Okay, so you know the Don’t Say Gay bill in Florida? The one that prohibits “gender ideology” in schools?

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

The words “he” and “she” are gender identities. “Mister” and “Missus” are gender identities. It’s illegal for a teacher in Florida to introduce themself as Mr or Mrs. It’s illegal for a teacher in Florida to tell a student another child’s pronouns, even inadvertently.

If a concern is not resolved by the school district, a parent may …. Bring an action against the school district to obtain a declaratory judgment that the school district procedure or practice violates this paragraph and seek injunctive relief. A court may award damages and shall award reasonable attorney fees and court costs to a parent who receives declaratory or injunctive relief.

As far as I can tell, this is exactly the kind of situation the Satanic Temple exists to help with. All it takes is one single parent in Florida to ask the Satanic Temple’s help suing a school for using the words “he” and “she” in the classroom.

BOOM. Overnight, the headlines “DeSantis law forces school to use gender neutral pronouns” would appear. It would be the biggest scandal and loss of face for the Republican party in the eyes of their voters since ever.

Why hasn’t this already been done?

  • Paragone@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    You, and everybody interested in this who wants real integrity in their leverage to argue this stuff, need to get Hofstadter’s remapping of gender-terms from Mr vs Miss & Mrs to …

    … IF you are white, THEN there is 1 pronoun for you, …

    … ELSIF you are black, THEN your pronoun is dependent on whether you’re employed or not

    written by Douglas Hofstadter ( author of “Godel Escher Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid”, the keystone to competent philosophy ), for Scientific American magazine, decades ago.

    It may be in the “Metamagical Themas” book.

    It was mentioned in the 1990’s in the Feminism FAQ as being trailblazing, because it caused what we were unconscious-of to GET in our faces, violating our habits, so we could actually perceive just how prejudiced it is.

    searching … This may be it…


    I only glanced at it, it’s too jarring for me ( I’d rather that I could just live in solitary isolation for the entire rest of my life: humanity’s abuse ), but it may help crystalize the ability to articulate just how stilted this all is.

    I completely agree that “Mr.” and “Miss”, “Mrs.”, “Mz” all are gender-identifying, and as-such ought be considered illegal under their law.

    But exactly as the convict/felon/inmate Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph identiied, a couple of millenia ago, legalists insist on the letter-of-the-law, while ignoring whatever law’s inconvenient to their artifice.

    Legalists haven’t changed since benJoseph called them “Hypocrites!”.

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