The more rare, obscure, or just a guilty pleasure, the better. Maybe you grew up with it, maybe it’s just the nostalgia talking, any reason is fine.

I’m looking for a new game to play, but I’m running out of games to collect!

My favorite is games for original DMG, but you’re welcome to include Color it’ll advance games too!

    1 year ago

    My first Gameboy…man. I’m not proud of that.

    I had been begging my mom for one, and she just couldn’t afford it.

    At breakfast one day (school) I seen one of the rich kids rocking his Gameboy. Battery pack attached to his belt, rad case hanging from his backpack. I was so jealous.

    A few days later he snuck it out in class and the teacher took it and stuck it in her desk.

    It was lunchtime. I waited until I was the last person in the class. I ran to the desk, snatched it, and then watched for them to disappear down the hall.

    I ran to the bag room and stuck it in my backpack. I started to run to catch up with the class and it hit me, “they’re gonna search us all.” I got it back out of my bag, seen the hall was empty and ran for my brother’s class.

    I found his backpack and stuck it at the bottom under his things.

    When we got on the bus I raced up to him and said, “do not open your bag. I put something in there. We’re in big trouble if anyone sees it.” He was white as a ghost the whole ride home.

    When we got in we ran up to our room. I got it out and opened the case. Ren and Stimpy, Mario, Zelda, Contra, Mega Man, Mortal Kombat. I had hit the jackpot.

    I played Contra (Operation C) all evening.

    My brother kept giving me a hard time, “You stole that. That kid is going to be very sad.” At first I brushed him off, but then it started wearing on me.

    Fuck! I’ll take it back.

    I thought, “I’ll lie and say I stole it from the teacher for him.” My brother said, “Just tell the truth. Maybe you won’t get in trouble.”

    I decided to tell the truth and hope he wouldn’t rat me out.

    He beat the piss out of me on the playground.

    Less than a week later one of my best friends got one as a gift from a family member for her birthday. She already had one, knew I wanted one, so she gave me her old one with a copy of Zelda and Mario Land 2, the only two games I ever owned for it. She now had a rad red Gameboy and I had her gray original. I still have it to this day. It doesn’t work any more, but I won’t throw it out. She actually gave me the red one too when she stopped playing it. I traded it for every Nirvana album when my mom threw mine out. She was very religious and worried that Kurt Cobain would be a bad influence (he was, still love the music though).

    Later when someone stole my Gamegear, I felt like I deserved it. I traded my football equipment for that thing and I loved it.

    Edit: I forgot the whole reason I replied in the first place haha. My cousin got the printer for Christmas. That was a boring story any way. Glad I got distracted.