• BetterViewer

  • BitWarden

  • Bluesky Overhaul

  • CanvasBlocker

  • ClearURLs

  • Control Panel for Twitter

  • Dark Reader

  • DeArrow

  • Deviantart Anti Janky

  • Disable WebRTC

  • Don’t Accept image/webp

  • Don’t Track me Google

  • Enhancer for YouTube

  • Fakespot Fake Amazon Reviews and eBay Sellers

  • Flag Cookies

  • Grammar Checker & Paraphraser - LanguageTool

  • Honey

  • HTTPS Everywhere

  • I still don’t care about cookies

  • Imagus

  • Old Reddit Redirect

  • Old Twitter Layout (2023)

  • Panorama Tab Groups

  • Reddit Enhancement Suite

  • Return YouTube Dislike

  • ReviewMeta.com Review Analyzer

  • Save webP as PNG or JPEG

  • Scroll To Top

  • Skip Redirect

  • Slickdeals: Automatic Coupons and Deals

  • SponsorBlock for Youtube

  • Steam URL Opener

  • Stylus

  • Terms of Service; Didn’t Read

  • Thumbnail Rating Bar for YouTube

  • To Google Translate

  • uBlock Origin

  • Unclutter - Modern Reader Mode

  • Undo Close Tab

  • Vencord Web

  • View Image

  • Violentmonkey

  • Zoom Page WE

  • xe3@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Goood god 😮

    I think you may have an unhealthy relationship with Extensions. 🙃

    Remember that everytime you install an additional extension you are effectively expanding your circle of trust, giving some company or developer privileged access to your browsing. The only extensions vetted for security by Mozilla are the ones with an ‘Recommended’ badge next to the name. Each additional extension increases the risks to your privacy, your security, and just generally increases the potential for issues.

    At least some of the extensions on your list are violating your privacy/exist to harvest your personal data, profile you, or sell you things.

    That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use extensions at all. But it does mean you should be thoughtful about what you install. Should do your due diligence, look into extensions before you install them, and understand the developers motivations for giving you something for free which costs them time and sometimes money (There are legit reasons but also common malicious reasons). And it means you should be cautious and reluctant to install too many new extensions.

    If I were in your shoes with this many extensions, I wouldn’t be asking which individual extensions to get rid of, I’d start with a fresh Firefox profile, configure it roughly like this, get rid of all the extensions except uBlock Origin and Bitwarden and maybe violent monkey if that is something you rely on. And then slowly reads extensions as needed, one at a time, spending time to research it a bit before installing and researching if there is a better way to accomplish it.

    With no other extensions Firefox + uBO can be really powerful and flexible, you’ve just got to spend some time learning how to use them. There are a few others on your list that I use also, but I’d say start with the basics and build from there. Also if you feel you need the shopping and deals extensions at least consider putting them in their own profile that you use only for shopping.