For context: The thread was about why people hate Hexbear and Lemmygrad instances

    11 months ago

    Lol no wrong like confidently wrong. I’m further from a tankie than you are. In fact, it’s not possible to get much farther from tankie than someone like myself. I’m simply pointing out your ignorant bullshit. To which you can’t defend. I’d be incensed. But there’s no point. And I’m used to kiddies like yourself. Learning a new term like tanky and then just going crazy using it against everyone you don’t like.

    I literally pointed out that they made their part of the GLOBAL famine worse. Promoting and listening to Trofim Lysenko’s crackpot theories. I’m not defending them. Just calling your bs strawman out. And again I reiterate letting people starve because it’s more profitable, is far more damning than ignorant leninists being stupid.

      10 months ago

      I see so many of these attitudes (whether correct or not. I’m not here to argue) and it just makes Lemmy an awful place to try and enjoy my free time.

      You guys make reddit look palatable, let that sink in…

        10 months ago

        Should I call you a fascist and see how friendly you are? I don’t think you are. And I’m not going to. But when someone pulls stupid shit like that. It doesn’t actually contribute in anyway towards any sort of civil debate. And funny that your admonishing me and not him as well. Also, extra funny. Because that sort of shit is way worse on Reddit. Sooooooooo okay.

          10 months ago

          Yeah mate go nuts, I’ve been called plenty worse just today and been amused by it.

          I am talking to both of you, your comment just happened to be the last in the chain.

          I read the argument and thought “jesus fuck this place is basically unbearable”.

          Honestly I’ve seen plenty worse on reddit too, but also SO much better. There are obviously loads more users so the worst is worse than the worst here, and the best is better than the best here. The point I’m making is that the average interaction here is worse than reddit, that famously circlejerky echo chamber hivemind. Yet if I don’t fit the mould of a lemmy user it seems I’m a villain 80% of the time so that description could just as validly be levelled at lemmy too.

          An argument descends to ad-hominem attacks so unbelievably fast so unbelievably frequently. It really is no surprise users are dropping like flies at the moment and I feel I might be another one soon enough.

          Not that you care, I hope you have a nice day regardless, take care :) x

            10 months ago

            Like I said. I’m not here to defend leninists. I disagree with them vehemently. I disagree with all authoritarians vehemently. They absolutely tend to dive into adhominems immediately in many instances. Not always, but far too often. It’s kind of what you do when you can’t actually defend your viewpoints. Doesn’t really bother me though. I’m used to it from all over. As a social-libertarian I get called a fascist by many leninists, and a Leninist/tankie by fascists.

            For myself though things have been far better over here than they ever were on Reddit. Perhaps that’s because of my more natural left lean? That was always something viewed as negative on a site like Reddit.

              10 months ago

              Like I said, I’m not interested in the debate. Just pointing out the horrible discourse that is seen way too often here.

              “They” who dive into adhominems includes you too bud, just from the last couple comments you made in this argument you said the following:

              Let me give you some advice on debating or trying to discuss things. You should refrain from it.

              Just a straight up nasty adhominem attack

              Lol no wrong like confidently wrong.

              This one is interesting because the whole cause is debated (though generally you’re on what most scholars consider the wrong side, whether that’s right or not I have no idea or interest though). But you state your point like it’s a black and white fact, when it largely depends on your own opinion of which sources you trust. >

              I’m used to kiddies like yourself.

              Another adhominem attack, “lol child! I don’t have to take anything you say seriously”

              Honestly just pretty shitty discussion all around, from both sides.

              Reddit is pretty far left too mate, less than here because it’s a bigger pool of people that doesn’t hound anyone (not as badly anyway) who doesn’t fit the classic mould of the “typical user”, but overall left nonetheless.

              I think what you’ve discovered is that lemmy is more of an echo chamber for YOUR beliefs than reddit was, and people enjoying feeling like their opinions are validated and praised, so you’ve had a better time here but you may not be more informed (arguably less, as fewer people are challenging your thinking).

              Have a nice day anyway mate :) x

                10 months ago
                1. For someone uninterested you sure are interested.

                2. Their argument was not adhominem. Wow! They did call out the other person for misrepresenting facts and being disingenuous/ bad faith. But that’s not on the same level. One of the mildest ad hominem’s possible.

                3. At this point you are as guilty as anyone else about the very thing you’re crying about.

                4. No scholars do not agree that the dust bowl or any of the famines in Asia or Europe were man-made. Nor have they ever stated that to be the case. As Eldritch said. They were absolutely exacerbated by human actions. But we’re not man-made.

                5. The platform you are crying on exist for the very fact that Reddit is heavily right wing leaning. You are wildly wrong.

                  10 months ago

                  Uninterested in the argument itself bud, happy to discuss the awful methods used in their arguments though. I literally checked the wiki page to even know what holodomor was, that’s how little I know and I’m not interested enough to debate with people that seem to argue with spittle flying from their mouths.

                  The first sentence is “While scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made, whether the Holodomor constitutes a genocide remains in dispute.” Wikipedia is hardly a rock solid source of course, but obviously there is some debate, so it really doesn’t seem like a black and white argument as stated. But as I said, I’m really not interested in debating that. I’m literally just pointing out the toxic arguments that happen here so unbelievably frequently.

                  Advising someone that they should refrain from debating full stop is just cunty behaviour, however right or wrong the person they’re attacking was. Attack the argument, not the person.

                  I’m very happy to be wildly wrong in your eyes mate, it makes no difference at all to me and people’s perceptions are their own to have. Reddit has some right wing subs obviously, it’s a platform with hundreds of millions of users and allows for easy engagement. People of all sorts will use it but show me someone claiming its heavily right wing and I’ll show you 10 more who believe it’s heavily left wing. In fact just ask Google if its right wing and most results will be along the lines of “why is reddit so left wing?”

                  I will say that I thoroughly appreciate the tone and structure of your arguments though (maybe with the exception of accusing me of crying, that does let it down somewhat). It’s exactly that structure or argument which I feel is missing all too often and at the very least when I read your comment it didn’t sound like you were bright red with anger. So thanks for that :) x

                    10 months ago

                    You said it yourself. You don’t know what you’re talking about here. And despite your continuing ad hominem’s and antagonism. I will take one last moment to point out that the use of the term is scholarly and meant to be taken in context. And not colloquially or in layman’s terms. It was no more man-made than the dust bowls were in the US. Or any of the other droughts and famines throughout the rest of the world in the exact same times. Saying they were man-made is like claiming that all global warming is man-made. It’s not completely. But man is making it worse. But we are also in a natural global warming trend. Context is important. Eldritch is 100% of correct in this instance. They’ve correctly stated multiple times the human activity made it worse. Which is what the scholarly consensus is. Their only major mistake was engaging those who were disingenuous, smarmy, and or bad faith. Same mistake I made

                    Also, it’s not what I think. But thank you for telegraphing your bad faith. The people who wrote the software stack. Literally have stated many places many times stated the reason directly.

                    I’ll side any day with someone passionately espousing the truth, over someone who calmly lies

                    END ENGAGEMENT