The Corolla E110 was the eighth generation of cars sold by Toyota under the Corolla nameplate.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Libreoffice will likely still work fine for you, especially now that you’ve got autosave turned on. Heck, I have faculty that refuse to use anything other than LibreOffice, so I have it installed in our computer labs. As long as you’re saving and backing up reasonably often, you should be good to go. Though your school likely has a cloud suite that you could use too. Office365 and Google Workspaces are by far the most popular. It would be integrated with your daughter’s student email which I can’t imagine a modern school not having. If you’re not sure, contact the school and they’d be able to help you.

    I’m sorry your kid lost her paper! It’s always a bummer to take a call and it’s a kid crying because their paper went up in smoke. If you haven’t already, contact the teacher and let them know what happened. IME most teachers are reasonable and as long as “office ate my homework” isn’t your go-to excuse, they’ll give you an extension.

  • I don’t like the insinuation that because gnome devs are volunteers they are somehow beyond criticism

    You can volunteer on a project and still do a bad job, or need corrective action, or maybe even a little feedback. That’s not a bad thing. Nobody can make the right decision 100% of the time, and you need an outside perspective to see that.

    One thing where you should draw the line is when that criticism starts to become abusive, but that’s something nobody should have to put up with, not just volunteers.