• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023


  • N. I have always wanted to join Reddit, but didn’t find much purpose or reason to do it. There seemed to be a bunch of people already commenting and making reasonable propositions on posts. I also didn’t see it reasonable for me to take from my own time and others just to say something that may not always be correct or valuable to anything.

    I have been using an app called ‘Stealth’ to scroll for major news and events around the world, and I surprisingly found it valuable on its own, just seeing what people say and whatever the news are about. But I thought maybe it is time to change that and switch to a Lemmy server where I could actually add my input.

    I have always thought that a time like this would have come, sooner or later. So I choose now.

    And I personally thank the maintainer of this Lemmy instance, for making a Linux server instance on Lemmy available and possible.

    I do not know how long it will stay up (here’s hoping) so I may as well create my own host server too. I don’t know when either. 😁

    So that’s the other part of the story, if my dear readers would have liked more insight. But my intentions and goals will remain the same so long as I am here.

  • Absolutely!

    I started with mint. Hated it.

    Ubuntu, Pop_Os. Hated it.

    Fedora. Hated it.

    Archlinux, okay, but not so much.

    Manjaroo, hated it.

    And now I settled with Garuda and Nobara. Like them.

    I used Nobara for niche gaming (rarely use it now).

    And Garuda Linux for dev work, and downloading and installing stuff, including proprietary packages. And I don’t have to configure all the things to make it capable of allowing me to download stuff from all the nice mirrors, such as the community arch mirror.

    Nobara, on the other hand, is great at handling compatibility issues kinda out of the box. Such [Edit1: as GPU] drivers.

    The reason I disliked the aforementioned distros was solely because of how much involved I had to be to configure them to integrate with my rare WiFi chip drivers, which triggered me when I banged my head at the keyboard for hours only to find out that my WiFi driver was not supported.

    But Garuda and Nobara or a blessing, and a chef’s kiss.

    That’s coming from a person who tried more than 20+ distros and/or their derivatives.

    [Edit2:] All in all, I would recommend what the comment above suggested, as that will help you find your own path. The samurai path, the kenjutsu path, or the kendo path, the peaceful path, or the hackers path. ;)

    [Edit3: sorry Debian users, but I DID try your distros, I just didn’t want to bother with them much as they had compatibility issues too !]

  • There are teachings I have read/ discovered through YouTube (can’t remember exactly where) about the reasons and the philosophy behind moving to docker, or having it as a state machine.

    Have you considered looking into dockers alternatives, also ?

    Here is 1 of the sources that may give you insights:


    – There has been some concerns over docker’s licensing and, as such, some people have started preferring solutions such as podman and containerd.

    Both are good in terms of compatibility and usability, however I have not used them extensively.

    Nonetheless, I am currently using docker for my own hyperserver [Edit2: oops, I meant hypervisor ✓, not hyperserver] purposes. And I am also a little concerned about the future of docker, and would consider changing sometime in the future.

    [Edit1: I am using docker because it is easy to make custom machines, with all files configurations, and deploy them that way. It is a time saver. But performance wise, I would not recommend it for major machines that contain major machine processes and services. And that’s just the gist of it].