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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I think I tried emudeck and it wouldn’t install. But that wasn’t their issue (turned out to be a regression upstream).

    I think I had stuttering sound in audio too. But that’s via HDMI.

    Spdif no issue

    I also used another gaming distro though so might be confusing them

    They should absolutely keep developing it. It will only get better, and I’m a unique case because I’ve been using Linux probably since 1998 or so.

    But I feel they make things a bit more custom, and it will only get better. It has a lot of potential, and is probably the best option already for many people

  • I disagree… The problem actually is that Wayland is optional, and still is.

    So everyone was dragging their heels (and some still are). If all the major distro’s set a cut off date, then things would speed up. The biggest reason for delay was Nvidia imho, so now that they’re sorted, it seems things are falling into place faster.

    X11 still hasn’t solved any of their real issues, and its still a security nightmare (which can’t be fixed). Furthermore, most of the developers have moved off it.

    What exactly do you like about X11?

  • I just didn’t 20 hours so far on it

    What I don’t like is that you need to finish the day for it to save

    Also the wording about what happens to crops at the end of season should change

    But otherwise, it’s something to do, but it is getting a bit click and pointy really. I wish you should pair up with characters more and walk around with then

  • I don’t know how GitLab would make anyone terribly unproductive. I see many FOSS projects or even entire (proprietary) software companies choosing GitLab for source code management. In fact, the company I work at (a government contractor) uses GitLab, as well as many other FOSS tools. And it’s definitely not a FOSS company, our main customers are the police and military.

    The switch process will be terribly unproductive. Also, even the process of discussing the change is a nightmare. Don’t forget all the backend stuff that needs to change too from all downstream. It’s not as easy as using the API and tools to copy the repo in this case… Everyone from Fedora to Zedora is affected on their side because the upstream address will change

    Sure, but their first choice for a data source is GitHub. For other platforms, they would need to develop and maintain an indexer/crawler (which you can block), which costs time and thus money. Just think about it, why would you upload my code to a platform, when you know that the owner of that platform actually hates FOSS and only wants to profit from it?

    Microsoft actually contributes a lot to open source… Why would they need an indexer / crawler? They already index everything using bing… Then they just need a git pull.

    What has Microsoft recently contributed to the FOSS community? I mean truly contributed. Why should a FOSS project use their proprietary products when other free (both as in price and as in freedom) alternatives exist?

    Because they work… Switching platforms offers no real benefits in any way, and Github is free for open source projects.

    Dumb argument. The code editor/IDE is a personal choice of each developer. The software forge isn’t. I really doubt that anyone at OpenSSL is using VSCode (a bloated JavaScript mess) for C development. But if you need to use it, there’s VSCodium which is completely open source and removes the Microsoft tracking.

    Yeah… Sure… Every developer I know these days except one uses VSCode. And we took him off the main team in our company because he was taking too long to do things (because we are all using copilot).

    What exactly do you think Microsoft is tracking? Do you think they’re peeking on developer webcams? Nope… https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/telemetry . Crash reports are normal… Its all GDPR anyway. I don’t care if Microsoft knows what language I’m developing on

    So is GitLab

    Cool… I’ll just leave this here: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/05/0-click-gitlab-hijacking-flaw-under-active-exploit-with-thousands-still-unpatched/

    People should use what they want. It’s actually bad for the community when people who contribute nothing try to project manage projects they have nothing to do with. It’s their decision… If you don’t like it, fork OpenSSL to Gitlab and do your own thing… Trust me, you’ll notice that choosing Github vs Gitlab doesn’t affect project success.

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoOpen Source@lemmy.mlOpenSSL goes GitHub only
    2 months ago

    Again, the productivity is what matters. You dont think they could train copilot if it’s hosted on a remote git repo?

    Also, are you going to do the self hosting for them? It uses a lot of resources and time to self host. Again, nobody knows this better than us.

    Also, what have you contributed to openssl lately? Resources? Money?

    Switching hosting isn’t a two second job either. There is a serious hit to productivity during migration for everyone, including distros.

    Are they allowed to use vs code to develop too? Or do they need to change?

    Nothing helps open source succeed better than productivity. Also, if they can train copilot with open ssl, good luck. Apparently the code is difficult

    Also, there is always the possibility some of these smaller ones go bankrupt. GitHub is highly unlikely to

  • Auzy@beehaw.orgtoOpen Source@lemmy.mlOpenSSL goes GitHub only
    2 months ago

    Those are fairly weak arguments honestly, none which have anything to do with the features on GitHub itself. In fact, this could have been written by someone who has no development or project management knowledge

    Open source projects also don’t pay for GitHub.

    Here’s one counterargument. One of our projects failed because we wasted so much time arguing about the hosting that we didn’t get much done. We moved between a few different services and wasted time comparing shortcomings between them.

    In practice, migration from GitHub is actually super easy if you ever wanted to because they literally have an API for everything. It also is a really comprehensive service, and a lot of the open source ones are missing things

    Im not a fan of Microsoft, but GitHub works really well and you can rely on it to be fully reliable (there have been few outages)