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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023


  • So, what’s the utility of labeling yourself a “bad person”?

    Everyone, everyone is imperfect, it’s the nature of being human. And we’re all imperfect in our own way, though we may share categories or degree of imperfection with others.

    What’s more useful is to acknowledge when a poor choice is made, and striving to make better choices.

    Negative self-talk doesn’t help.

  • Interestingly (I just found this out) Android permits 1 VPN connection per user profile.

    So I run a VPN in my regular profile, and found my work profile wasn’t using it. So I installed Tailscale there, and it works only in the work profile, while my regular VPN only works in my main profile.

    If always assumed VPN config was a system-wide thing.

  • Static IP address and Dynamic DNS can expose your network to attackers on the internet. With Holesail, you expose only the port you choose.

    Er, wut? If you’re exposing a port, then your public IP is being used, as a port is a subset of an IP interface. So even Holesail uses the public IP in some way…thats how the internet works. Unless they’re only making outbound connections, which isn’t a new idea at all - Hamachi was doing it 20 years ago.

    This sounds like FUD to me - of course your public IP is used, whether static or dynamic. How do they supposedly mitigate this risk?

    There’s nothing on the home page saying how it works, or how it’s different than current solutions.

    I’m intrigued to see a new tool in this space, but this one is starting off leaving a bad taste. Even Tailscale admits they use Wireguard, and even have a comparison between Wireguard and Tailscale that’s pretty honest (though they focus on what Tailscale adds).

    Being open and transparent is a minimum today - anything less and it’s not worth the time for a second look.

  • Professional self-hosting was the way it was done until SaaS took off over the last 20 years - we just never called it that, because it was the only way to do things at the time.

    Now we say things like Cloud or On-Premise. And as another commenter proposed, call it “Private Cloud” to sound fancy (wel, it’s not the same thing, but it sure sounds good!).

    To my thinking, self-hosting means consumer-level hosting of services for a person, family, friends, generally at home, with VPS as an alternative server host.

  • Lol, sorry, I really tried to make it clear what I was doing, honest, I did! 😄

    Yes, I have 3 local devices that replicate to each other, one is RAID5, (well, 2 are, but…not for long). And one of them also does backup to a cloud storage.

    Not ideal, because 3 devices are colocated, but it’s what I can do right now. I’m working on a backup solution to include friends and family locations (looking to replicate what Crashplan used to provide in their “backup to friends” solution).