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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023

  • Sad, because I was a fan of them and bought all their games from Saint’s Row 1 all the way to Gat out of Hell (although not in chronological order) and got Agents of Mayhem for free somewhere, but think they’ve made some bad moves lately.

    I think it all started going downhill from Agents of Mayhem, and them screwing up with the reboot of Saint’s Row was probably the nail in the coffin. I wish they’d just made Saint’s Row 5 instead, with wacky time travel shenanigans and a more polished set of superpowers.

    At the point where they decided to “reboot” to something old school and grittier (TOO old school, imo) they really didn’t get what their fanbase wanted, and what new players who’d only heard of and experienced Saint’s Row 4 would get excited about.

    They could’ve probably taken Saint’s Row up to 6 entries if they’d just iterated on the formula from 4 and possibly Gat out of Hell (I wouldn’t know, I got distracted and didn’t play it after I bought it, ironically). Similar to how United Front Games (the developer of Sleeping Dogs) could’ve probably stayed in business if they’d just made Sleeping Dogs 2 instead of that horrible “free to play” multiplayer asset flip of some of the least interesting elements of Sleeping Dogs 1.

  • Not so sure about that, I feel like average people are waking up to technological bullshit like this more and more every year. Yeah there’ll still be an overly high amount of idiots, but I’ve learned that even older people can change and question things like this.

    You can only get so many “We’re giving you 2 free years of identity theft protection because we got hacked and your personal information got stolen.” from big companies like your cell phone company, credit check company, etc. before you’re like “Hey, anything I put online can get stolen by criminals…”

    Even if you’re a tech-unsavvy type. At some point the light bulbs turns on and you put 2 and 2 together.

  • Given how modern AAA games are and Bethesda’s recent track history, it’s not negative to be skeptical, it’s smart.

    Especially since despite Microsoft watching over them and helping them to have the most “bug free launch in history” it’s still probably going to be a hot mess for weeks to a month after launch. I want to be pleasantly surprised, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

    Plus, the recent release of Baldur’s Gate 3 with no microtransactions or season passes, etc. has gotten peoples’ standards up, and given that Microsoft paid a lot of money to buy Bethesda, we’re aware that they’re going to have to make that money back somehow, and will probably give into the temptation to do some really player unfriendly things to do it.

    Bethesda’s been going all in on surprisingly expensive microtransactions for really tiny amounts of content, like in Fallout 4 and 76, and it wouldn’t be shocking for them to continue in that direction. People aren’t being mindlessly negative, they’re looking at current and past trends and making an educated guess about the future.

  • I’ll probably transition my AMD 8350 build over to Linux when Win10 stops being supported. As opposed to my mom’s FX-8370 build, which I’ll probably just have to replace with a new Windows 11 system, as there’s no way I’m expecting her (an elderly woman) to learn anything other than Windows. Especially since she’s reliant on Windows-only apps.

    The actual hardware she’s using will probably be converted to a Linux Desktop, but I’ll have to migrate her data to a new mini Windows 11 PC or something.

  • Everyone else has answered your other questions, but let me just say that I’ve used KDE Neon (while distro hopping) it’s both beautiful and functional. The latest KDE developments are really solid and intuitive, and based on their development updates I’ve seen on Mastodon and elsewhere, it seems like they’re really starting to understand their userbase.

    I.E. they understand that most people want to double click icons to launch them even though almost the entire development team prefers single click. They’re not doing the tunnel-vision dev thing where they force what they love on users even though the vast majority of the userbase prefers the opposite.

    Edit: It looks and feels gorgeous, and even similar alternatives like Kubuntu kind of feel a little worse to me. Then again, I’m a serious Cinnamon / KDE fan, so other peoples’ mileage may vary.

  • When I got tired of some BS changes Google was making with Chrome (and concerned about the Chromium near-monopoly) I switched to Firefox. It had just revamped itself out of the Australis debacle, and had some very good extensions available on the front page of its store, so I switched and never looked back.

    Honestly, for what I wanted and needed out of a browser, it was just better than Chrome, and it still is. Highly underrated browser, and I wish more people would give it a shot. I also wish that Mozilla would give people the option to change its default icon with their new, more sleek orange and purple swirl without the fox and world.

    The default Firefox icon honestly isn’t very stylish (especially when compared to the Chrome icon and the new Edge icon) and I think a lot of people may just avoid it due to not liking the way the icon looks. Dead serious here, marketing / image is everything for a lot of tech products.