2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Totally agree with the modern gaming landscape. It’s exhausting dealing with all the predatory tracking, root kits, privacy invasion, heavy monetization, broken games with promises to “do better”, etc. Thankfully there are many games out there to enjoy that don’t do these things.

    Personally I love the option of devs selling DLCs where the value is there: it has a reasonable price and it expands the game in a level that I’m comfortable paying for. I will happily buy DLC of games I love.

    What I can’t stand, and absolutely am repulsed by, is games that have kill switches or can be taken away from me without my permission. If when I buy the game, if the button says “Buy”, then I should own it. If they’re going to have kill switches or activation server shutdowns that render my game unplayable, then they should change the button to “Temporarily pay to lease it for some time where we will later take this game from you without your permission”. I’d at least appreciate their honesty that way.

    Ever since Ubisoft warned it would shut down activation servers for my Wii U copy of Splinter Cell Blacklist where I paid full price for all the DLC (since I loved that game so much), I discovered I wouldn’t be able to play my DLC. Thankfully due to significant complaints from gamers, Ubisoft backpedaled and decided not to… for now. But now that I’ve seen that, and continue to see this predatory behavior happening to this day (e.g., The Crew, Helldivers, etc.), I am much more hesitant when it comes to buying video games.

  • My favorite is the 3DS Era. I was a young adult then, and sure I could say I loved 16 bit, 64 bit eras because I was younger and had much more time to play video games. But I had so much fun with my 3DS.

    Specifically - 3-D integration into certain video games introduced a new way to play them, and I enjoyed the new layer in puzzles for games like Mario 3D Land and especially A Link Between Worlds.

    But what I miss the most about 3DS was StreetPass. How fun it was taking my 3DS everywhere and getting visitors in both my games plus in StreetPass Plaza! I loved the hell out of those mini games and would drive all over the place to different hotspots and collect visitors! Carrying it work and making friends over StreetPass was also such a nice bonus.

    Gaming was so much fun in this era and on this console. Probably still my favorite console due to all these memories tied up with it. I could get in so many gaming sessions, and if I needed to handle something quickly I could just fold it shut and go about my day. The OG suspend lol.

    P.S - Street Pass is of course officially dead along with many other features of the 3DS era. However, there are archival projects so you can at least get visitors to your console. It requires custom firmware, but look into StreetPass 2 for more details.

  • I bought one of these masks for the novelty, as well as the influence to buy it during the Great Lockdown when not much was known about Covid and we were wiping down our groceries. By the time the product launched, we already knew how Covid spread and had a vaccine. Despite the advertising saying that it has N95 filters, it was clear that this was not an N95 product. Razer generically stated that it is not a certified N95 mask, but the advertising and product pages were certainly misleading and the FTC’s fine is valid and justified to protect the health and safety of consumers. I would not have used the Zephyr in place of my actual certified N95 masks.

    The Zephyr was heavy, but overall quite comfortable, but I never took it outside and wore it for something like a grocery trip (since I knew it was not an N95 mask, and masks were very divisive where I live in a Red State. The last thing I wanted was to potentially be attacked by an anti-vax/mask Freedom Lover). It was heavy, and the fans were loud - very loud. What was disappointing was that the production version did not come with the two features I wanted that were initially advertised: the sanitising case, and the voice amplifier. Imagine how much more fines Razer would face if they advertised an included UV case that came with blue lights rather than UV lights!

    I didn’t end up keeping the Zephyr, although I wish I did just to keep a small, unique memory of an uncertain and dangerous time. I do wonder if they could have launched this product sooner and certified it as an N95 mask, if gaming culture could make wearing masks when you’re sick popular. Selfish people might put aside their “freedoms” if they could look cool with gamer RGB and get attention from others (the motivation for selfishness). Of course the Zephyr would need to go through several years of revisions until it became culture.

  • Nice start, this is very nostalgic! If you ever had an old Geocities, Tripod, or even MySpace back in the day, check out the Way Back Machine and look for that old URL for some inspiration.

    I recommend the following suggestions to build upon this better:

    • Good if you can make this an HTTP site rather than HTTPS, although I’m not sure if that’s possible on Neocities.
    • Fix the font choice - back then in CSS you would list a series of fonts that would render - Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, Verdana, Times New Roman. It’s too legible, so switch it to a color pink that is a bit harder to discern from the background. You need black rectangle backgrounds for some of the text.
    • The framerate on the GIFs is too high. More pixels and less frames - preferably no more than 15 FPS if possible. I used Macromedia Fireworks back in the day and some other Macromedia animation program, good if you could have terrible color profiles on some of the GIFs).
    • Affiliates sidebar linking some sites. It may be good to link to other retro 90s-inspired sites. They’re out there, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
    • Include some fake banner ads and sidebar ads - not pop up ads as those were the bane of existence. Maybe old banner ads for Rack Nine web hosting, or something similar (and of course they shouldn’t link anywhere).
    • “Jump to Top” anchor hyperlinks.
    • You need a low quality midi that plays in the background automatically - no user choice.
    • Add a Favicon.
    • Plenty of links on the page that don’t go anywhere. And more under construction signs.
    • Adjust the resolution of the background tile - it’s too big and too high quality. Get it to something like 128x128 or 250x250.
    • Add a Shoutbox. Remember those? Although I’m not sure how to keep it secure.
    • A link to “Bookmark this site”.
    • You need a fan art page that only has 4 fan arts, says “under construction”, and possibly steal other people’s fan art and credits them so it looks like there is actually content on the page while hiding the fact that you have no time to work on this web site but you’re hoping a million visitors will one day come here.
    • I already see marquees which is great. Good if you can another marquee that has text moving in a wave/ripple pattern as it slowly (and keyword: very, very slowly) moves across the screen. I don’t remember if you could have alternating color text as part of it, my old HTML, PHP, and CSS knowledge escapes me from 20 years ago.
    • A link to your PHPBB or Invision Power forum that, when clicked, only takes you to a blank white screen with the typical MySQL error. The hyperlink should have a badly inserted text next to it that says “This is currently down, we will fix it with a new Forum software after Finals Week!”, the more ASCII art the better. I recommend something like the below.
    General Error
    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
    Table './that90ssite/phpbb_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired [145]
    An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

  • The first 3-D gaming consoles. What an era. I had the N64 in the late 90s and was lucky enough to get a used PS1 in the early 2000s.

    Mario 64 was the best for me. That opening title screen where you could stretch Mario’s face was hysterical. And then the opening cinematic was so breathtaking, just having that 3-D camera navigate around, with a musical crescendo ending with Mario Yahooing out of the warp pipe. I’ve never been so blown away seeing 3-D gaming. Then came Star Fox, and Ocarina of Time - Magical experiences that I’m getting goosebumps just reminiscing about them.

    And of course PS1 when I got to play FF7. Wow. While I hated the graphics (apart from cinematic) since I got this console late into the end of the N64 generation, this was a formative game.

    Getting all nostalgic here for simpler times. Having the magic of extremely senior and experienced devs bumping out amazing 2D masterpiece games on SNES, only to immediately shift into 3-D was great. Great time for gaming… before the dark times… before Horse Armor, live service, pay to play, “cut-and-paste-apology-letter-we-promise-to-do-better” broken games, and FOMO battle passes.

  • Shout out to the 3DS. What an amazing portable! I have so many memories with it, and it was the only gaming device I carried with me EVERYWHERE because of street pass and spot pass. I bought all the bundle games for StreetPass because it was so much fun having iterative improvement with visitors to your 3DS. Integration into other mainline games was pretty great too.

    Not everything took advantage of the 3D aspect, but the games I played creatively innovated with it and provided new perspectives to solving puzzles.

    I freaking love my 3DS. Right now Steam Deck has surpassed it, but man what an era of gaming.

    Note: If you’re nostalgic for StreetPass, look up “Street Pass 2”. Despite Nintendo shuttering all the services, you can still work your way around and get StreetPasses to your console, but you’ll have to homebrew it.

    Other runner ups: SNES (I was a kid that wasted away on that console), Wii, Wii U. I used to throw Wii Guitar Hero parties with friends. Great times.

  • Earthbound - never played this so I’m looking forward to it for my next retro play through after recently finishing a replay of both A Link to the Past and Golden Sun 1 & 2.

    Afterward, it’s the Soul Blazer trilogy. I’ve only played Illusion of Gaia, and perhaps an hour of Terranigma. I loved Gaia, and remember really liking the bit I’ve played of Terranigma.