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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • It’s hard to really pinpoint just one game…but I would argue Skyrim is my nearest and dearest. 10k hours of playtime since release, haven’t played for nearly 2 years but I still keep tabs on mods in the event I go back (I will).

    I was maybe 12 when I first played Skyrim, roughly a year after it was released and I was enthralled by it. By that age the most “expansive” game I’d played was maybe Minecraft (Beta 1.7.3). I think it might’ve been my first open world game?

    Either way, the music, the questing, the exploration and detail in the worlds always held my ADHD brain’s attention well. I saw the flaws, sure. However I thoroughly enjoyed that janky buggy game more than any other thing out there for a long long while.

    Right behind Skyrim would have to be Dishonored. It’s actually one of the only two games I’ve gotten a physical PC copy for. But the lore, story, and vibes of the game were genuinely so cool to me. I replayed that and the games sequels several times now.

    Minecraft holds a close place in my heart too, I generally come back to it once a year for a nice, lightly modded hardcore playthrough. It especially helps me with creativity, since I get to build something without it feeling like work.

    But yeah, Skyrim will always hold a place in my heart, and to a level it even influenced parts of my younger personality.