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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • I’m super happy with jmp.chat

    I was hesitant to try it, but once I ported my number over, it’s the best service I’ve ever used.

    It’s $5/month, and your phone calls and texts are forwarded to an XMPP account. Voice mails are transcibed and sent as a text, with the included audiofile. It works over the internet, so you can have multiple phones with the number, and you can use your computer for the service as well.

    For data, I use jmp.chats data only esim. It’s $7/year + $5/gig but the data never expires.

  • Oh man, I loved that year. There was a culvert that want under a bridge between Hillsboro and Cannon Green that normally is empty. That year our was almost full. My friends and I tied a route around or waists and jumped in the culvert of waste water. It ran so fast that we were able to water ski

    Man, fairview and Hollister was flooded then. You couldn’t drive through it then. I was not into the pirate BBS scene back then with a good friend that ended up dying by getting hit by a train in the mid 2000’s

    You every jump off of the tree swing in the bluffs? The one that broke the back of one of the DP teachers?

  • I think you are refusing to do any research on something you aren’t willing to change your mind about. I think nothing would change your mind, so you didn’t even bother watching any of the three parts of the hearing because you already knew what you would believe.

    Your method of doing that is to never state a clear opinion, not engage in any logic, and respond to everything with questions.

    I’ll follow suit. What do you think the purpose of that hearing was, and what do you think the conclusion was for the hearing?

    But, as per my previous paragraph, I’d bet you didn’t even watch it.