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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I feel like the best way to handle the situation with similar/same communities on different instances is to allow communities to automatically federated with other communities. That way subscribing to one community will show you its posts and all the posts to its linked communities.

    It would be especially helpful for these general purpose communities like Technology or News since I would imagine most communities are going to have one.

    If that happens then we wouldn’t need to hunt down and follow every single instance of the same community. Let the mods handle it on their end to save the rest of us the effort.

  • The command line is always going to turn people away from Linux. I’ve only had to use the command line to fix a windows issue once in the past 10 years while I regularly have to use it every time I have to work with Linux.

    People like convenience and will almost always go with the more convenient option even if it’s not the best option.

    Until the majority of issues can be solved using point and click (and help forums show that method over command line), Linux will always lag behind Mac and Windows.

  • I’ve used both regularly for years and went back to Windows when I switched to PC gaming and it’s just so much better. Everything just works on Windows.

    Linux really needs to work on improving its user experience if it wants to be a true competitor to Mac and Windows. All these little config tweaks and command line prompts you have to do to get things working on Linux just isn’t going to win a bunch of people over who are used to things being a few clicks on a wizard to get working.

    Edit: it’s been years since I last tried Linux so maybe things have changed.