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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s a lot of people who call exurban areas suburbs. And everyone has basically changed the definition. Suburbs in the traditional definition are usually close to a city (often within the city limits), and has house but also public transport and close access to the city itself. And in that sense suburbs are probably a very nice balance, compared to exurbs. Exurbs are definitely not a nice balance, as it’s nothing but stroads and shitty plazas, with giant parking lots, and fast food chains.

    Brooklyn is technically a suburb. Palmdale, CA is a exurb.

  • He’s not facing two months. He’s facing 115 years to 155 years according to federal sentencing guidelines. Even if he’s only found guilty of one single count, he will do 20 years minimum.

    Certain groups of internet people have been saying he’s going to get away with this the entire time. And everything points to the opposite. And now his bail has been revoked, and the goal post is being moved.

    This dude is beyond fucked. It’s time to find someone else to talk about when it comes to the failures and special treatment related the justice department. Using him as an example of said failures really waters down that otherwise valid complaint.

  • Yeah. Well I use my phone in the same way a professional uses their commercial equipment. And that equipment isn’t cheap. And I love technology. It’s something I personally enjoy. Considering it’s something I use for hours on end every single day, more than any other tool I use in life, and memorializes my life, I have no issue spending $40 a month on it.

    Where I live $500 feels nothing. Rent where I live is like $5k per month. Everything is stupid expensive. I’m just numb to it. I am quite frugal in other ways though. My car is 20 years old. I’ll drive it until the wheels fall off. I don’t care about fancy cars at all. And I don’t enjoy “the feel of a new car.”

  • I like new cameras, higher refresh rates, and super fast page loads.

    Selling my phone on Craigslist every year and buying new is about the same price as buying new every few years.

    $1500 phone. 3 years. $500 per year.

    $1500 phone. Sell for $900-$1000 at one year old. Buy new phone for $1500. $500-600 per year. And I have a always warranty (extended by my credit card).

    Similar price per year, night and day better product.