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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Not a sweet spot.

    Morrowind was amazing because it is a hand built world. Oblivion had the same core error as Starfield: an overreliance on procedural generation.

    For Skyrim they did it right. Just the right amount of procedural generation with enough manual work that things worked out.

    You can’t overlook the modding scene either. Oblivion had a great mod community with a lot of people getting into it and cutting their teeth there. So when Skyrim came out they were experts and made a lot of amazing mods, particularly framework mods.

    But almost all of them are done and gone or corrupted into paid mods(e.g. Elianora, Kinggath(FO4)). So Starfield will never get a good modding scene because the core modding community doesn’t exist now.

  • In my experience of using the traffic inspection tool fiddler: for https sites you have to have it add its own self signed cert to be able to see traffic.

    Firefox, out of the box, detects it immediately and warns you of a security issue, not letting you do anything.

    Chrome, and chromium based browsers,
    don’t even notice it and happily let you do what needs to be done.

    I’ve had the experience of a few sites not working recently in Firefox, one of them explicitly stated an ad server was blocked because of xss settings and refused to load. Chrome didn’t care.

  • As an example:

    Salesforce has been trying to replace developers with “easy to use tools” for a decade now.

    They’re no closer than when they started. Yes the new, improved flow builder and omni studio look great initially for the simple little preplanned demos they make. But theyre very slow, unsafe to use and generally are impossible to debug.

    As an example: a common use case is: sales guy wants to create an opportunity with a product. They go on how omni studio let’s an admin create a set of independently loading pages that let them:
    • create the opportunity record, associating it with an existing account number.
    • add a selection of products to it.

    But what if the account number doesn’t exist? It fails. It can’t create the account for you, nor prompt you to do it in a modal. The opportunity page only works with the opportunity object.

    Also, if the user tries to go back, it doesn’t allow them to delete products already added to the opportunity.

    Once we get actual AIs that can do context and planning, then our field is in danger. But so long as we’re going down the glorified chatbot route, that’s not in danger.

  • Fair.

    But even if it is relative to the earth, there would be the question of do you retain your velocity relative to the earth when you teleport in?
    So moving pretty much in any modern vehicle would be a reliable way to repaint a surface of the interior with yourself, particularly an aircraft.

    However, if it doesn’t, then you can reset your momentum every time you pop in or out. In that case, you can reset your movement several times mid-air so when you hit the ground you’re going a survivable speed.

  • Not just car.
    The Earth is moving around the Sun.
    Which itself is moving inside the Milky Way.
    Which itself is moving inside the local cluster.
    Which itself is moving inside the Laniakea supercluster.
    Which itself is moving inside the universe, probably?
    And who the fuck knows if the universe itself is moving.

    Depending on a frame of reference of position, you’re either still in your car, where your car was, dying in space, or potentially outside the universe itself.