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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I tried Instacart (United States). It tells you exactly what you will get paid before you accept an order. If the tip was more you will see it. Basically if you order Tylenol and 5 other items it will say the Store Name, 6 items, Total payout. (And distance) When you arrive at the store you get a list of the items, and the isle number/shelf if it is available. You scan each item into the app for it to be accepted, if the item is not the same code, it will make you send a message or alternate possibility to the orderer. And they approve/deny.

    Long story short. You 100% know what you are getting paid before starting so if 1 order for 6 items says you make 20 dollars, and another says you make 6 dollars. The 20 dollar order will be accepted first.

  • I viewed it as a “hill you would die on” type of question. Where everyone you talk to thinks you are an idiot or believes you to be wrong, but you refuse to change your mind.

    Good examples usually are found in people who get stuck in conspiracies, but it doesn’t always have to be. “Birds aren’t real” “Earth Flat” are conspiracies.

    Or it could be something off the wall like “Anyone not willing to commit suicide is a coward and inherently evil for putting themselves betore all other lifeforms on this planet”

    (Not saying I do/don’t agree with any of these comments/things, just giving my opinion on what the question meant)

  • They stated disruptive. If no one elses rights are violated it is not disruptive. At minimum disruptive to me would have to include intentionally blocking roadways and holding up everyone else. (Which does violate the rights of people who live and work in the area). So your stance sounds as if to be opposite of the person you commented on.

  • It boggles my mind why we don’t subsidize plant based meats. Subsidizing it shouldn’t cost anything (should actually save money) as every customer who buys the now cheaper plant based option is not buying the subsidized meat option. The plant option is natrually cheaper so our expenditure on subsidies goes down, our impact on the environment goes down and no one is being forced to eat either. Choice stays. Eventually cost savers would move to the cheaper option, slowing increasing our savings and decreasing our inpact. Market for plant based grows, more companies come in to compete and make a better product. I must be missing something about how the subsidies are enacted. Oh and while we are changing things with food subsidies, let’s get corn out of our shit. Bring in more efficient crops.

  • You can’t turn the wheel immediately on the way out or you’ll drag the back end of the truck into the vehicle next to you.

    If they didn’t have the room to swing out to go in straight, they likely won’t get backed into the spot on the first try as well. The number of cars getting run into while parked if everyone backed in would sky rocket. I have met at least 3 people who told me they couldn’t parallel park, I’d rather those people just pull in forward so they can see where the other cars are.