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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Sigh…

    When I was in the 3rd grade, our class had to do reports on countries around the world and we were all assigned a country. I got Egypt. Coincidentally, some friends of my parents had recently gotten back from a trip to Egypt. My parents asked their friends if there was anything I could bring in to use for my presentation. They let me borrow this little statue they got. It was an eagle with a hat, I think it was a depiction of Horus. It was carved out of some really nice white stone, maybe marble or something? I brought it into school, put it on my desk, and waited patiently to stand up and do my report. When I stood up, I bumped my desk, and the statue fell to the ground and broke in half.

    Now monetarily this may not have been the most “expensive” thing, but it was the souvineer that this family brought back from Egypt that they had on their mantle to always remember the trip. It was priceless.

    Why the fuck would you let a 7 year old bring your breakable souvineer to school for a class project?

    Anyway, those people stopped being friends with my parents after that, so I have a feeling it was either expensive or meant a lot.

    This hurts me to think about. Why did you have to ask this question?

  • I worked my way up in IT from the help desk all the way up to a Senior Systems Engineer with no degree, certificate, etc. It was all self taught through YouTube and by learning on the job. My first help desk position I was able to get because I “was good with computers”.

    I was able to move up through the industry by getting an entry job, learning on the job and asking for more to do and learning new things until I felt I plateaued, then used LinkedIn to talk to recruiters and got my next job which was more advanced stuff I had never done but felt capable of doing - did a lot of learning on the job, lots of Google and YouTube, asked for more to do and learned new things until I got a promotion, got good at the next position until I plateaued, and then back to LinkedIn for more talking with recruiters. Rinse and repeat…

    It’s been a long journey, but I’ve seen people start with less experience succeed just as well.

  • I think this explains it right here. As another commenter said “more fear than anything else”. Animals act very differently than humans when they are scared, they often get very aggressive. Anecdotally, when I was younger my loving smush of a dog got hit by a car and I ran over to her and she bit the shit out of me. She was scared for her life, and that’s just how her brain was wired to react.

    And just so I don’t leave anybody feeling awful, she made it to the vet, needed a pin in her hip, and her tail was amputated, but she went on to live to the ripe old age of 15. My bites weren’t too bad because she was a small dog. No stitches needed, but I have some tiny scars left if you look really close

    But if you want to feel angry about the situation, it was a cop car that she was hit by which was flying down a residential street, and the cop yelled at me and my mother and threatened to give us a ticket for having a dog off the leash. And thus my hatred for police began at the age of 10.