Just a silly feller

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • You may be surprised. I use Photoshop in my profession and I am desperately trying to move away from it. Not just because of the obvious Adobe is the worst, but it has been getting progressively worse to use for me. I don’t speak for everyone of course but at least for me there’s really only a few very small things that would make me switch instantly.

    Photoshop just infuriates me lately, you’d think with all their employees they’d figure out how not to lose my hotkeys every automatic update, or that I’ve been using it for over a decade and don’t need annoying tutorial popups for every tool.

    The priorities of a large company can often be opposed to making their software better, like adding AI into everything or adding new features nobody really needs so they can have a flashy presentation at some conference, or deprecating features in order to move people to their latest acquisitions program instead.

    Blender is a great example of open source being totally viable for replacing commercial software. I use it professionally and it’s never been a limiting factor for me.

  • I’m mostly just speaking to the process. I can right click and mount the drive without a problem, but there’s no way to auto mount it on startup without editing the fstab file and finding the uuid of the drive through the terminal (at least as far as I could tell) all of the functionality is there, which is rather laudable, but the process is unapproachable for a lot of people.

    O and yea, I did have to disable some fast startup setting in windows to get the write access, I forgot about that. But yeah, that one’s on Windows.

    edit: sorry, this was actually pretty irrelevant to what I actually said, which was just about the write access which you pointed out was a windows issue. I got mixed up with my replies.

  • o, that’s weird, this one might actually just be user error then, haha. I’ll have to try again as I’m also using plasma.

    I actually think it might be better for less tech literate people in some cases. Supposing it’s pre installed or they have someone to set things up for them. If you’re just using it to browse the web or write some documents the general experience is pretty good. It’s only when you start trying to do a bit more with it that things get complicated.

  • O no, tinkering with the ui is a delight, especially when compared to windows! I love the amount of customisation you get.

    And yeah, dual booting can be a pain, I had to learn a lot more than I thought I did to get everything setup reasonably, unfortunately it’s also kind of a requirement for a lot of people who are thinking of swapping but need to give it a test drive first. I would have had a lot less issues without a dual boot, but I also need my computer for work so can’t really go all in until I’m sure I can do everything I need first.

    Also yes I agree, I am really excited for the future of Linux, even just having been using it and reading and watching Linux content for a short time I can already sense it’s moving in a good direction. Very excited for wayland, not having different resolution scaling on different screens is another nitpick.

  • I feel you, I’m sure a lot of it comes down to familiarity. I just very recently did a fresh reinstall of windows and endeavour in a dual boot. And honestly the Calamares installer is a lot nicer than the windows one. But doing simple things like just writing to a secondary hard drive is a non-issue in windows whereas in Linux it was a whole learning adventure.

  • I have tried quite a few now. Fedora, Mint, Debian - none could detect my wifi card so I had to go do a bunch of googling to try and get them working, found what driver I needed but was never able to actually find out how to install it, other than some terminal commands in forums that didn’t end up working. I stuck with Endeavour OS because it detected it without any problems.

    I have a keyboard that I configure with an online tool called via that requires something called hid. On windows it just works but on Endeavour I have to enable something through the terminal.

    I have a shared data drive and in order to make it mount when I start the computer I had to go and edit some fstab file?

    I couldn’t even figure out how to install a dual boot with with fedora and mint because it asked me about the root and home and swap and boot partitions and didn’t explain how to set any of them up or what they did.

    I needed a program for work that wasn’t on a repository and I had to google howw to launch an .sh file because clicking doesn’t work haha. Also through the terminal.

    I’m not saying these are crazy insurmountable problems, and windows definitely has some similar things, getting my tablet working was so much smoother on Linux for example. But I’ve had to learn so much more about how my computer works to actually use Linux and I’m just not sure the majority of people will have that patience.

  • I have just started trying to use Linux and I find it very hard to actually recommend it to anyone. And the problem isn’t really anything mentioned in the video, it’s just that the UX is not great. You have to google so much to get things working and the answers are almost always typing some cryptic stuff into the terminal. I am technically minded enough to get by but Linux ends up feeling more like a hobby to me rather than something I can actually get work done in.

    That said, I really like Linux and am gonna stick with it. I just don’t don’t see it being widely adopted until it becomes a bit more straight forward.