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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • It’s very true on a Mac. Almost every time you click the green button, it jumps to full screen and then you can’t drag another window on top of it.

    It’s a pain in the arse because my workflow is to have a reading screen with documents and emails on, and a work screen with whatever I’m actually doing. But if outlook is full screen, you can’t drag any other windows on top of it.

    Don’t know why the first guy was saying this is a Windows thing though. I only run onto it on macs.

  • Yeah I thought you’d ask this. Basically they’ll never do this, just because their attitude is “fuck you I’m a bank”.

    Beyond this, there’s a big difference between source code and having a working system.

    For very long running systems their state depends very heavily on how they were maintained, little bits of informal design decisions that get components working together, and the order stuff was loaded in, and what other services were up and running when you booted up.

    None of this magic is captured by source code, and it can make even setting up a replacement server, even as part of the same infrastructure really hard.

    Of course banks are moving to more modern dev methods that encourages turnkey deployment, but the fact that they still rely on a bunch of COBOL code tells you there’s a lot of very old system running in “do not touch” mode

  • No they’re shit at that too.

    Proof of ownership is this big complicated thing with lots of safeguards. If someone steals your title, you still own your car, and you can get this fixed.

    If someone steals your nft, it’s gone. The entire point of the Blockchain is there’s no central authority that you can appeal to who will do the work to check that transactions are legitimate.

    Anything that happened stays happened, unless the entire community explicitly roles back the Blockchain.

  • Because any detector has to be based on machine learning you can open source all code providing you keep model weights and training data private.

    But there’s a fundamental question here, that comes from Lemmy being federated. How can you give csam detecting code/binaries to every instance owner without trolls getting access to it?

    Some instances will be run by trolls, and blackbox access is enough to create adversarial examples that will bypass the model, you don’t need source code.