• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • The only disadvantage of display port that I can think of is that it’s harder to find capture devices (or at least Linux compatible ones) that have display port. Generally no one cares about that stuff though. I use capture cards because I sometimes do stuff involving other computers and it’s 1000 times more convenient to have a vlc window floating around with the display output.

    No one seems to have this use case besides me, I’m just glad that there exist capture cards fast enough to do playback in real-time and not a 5 second delay. I don’t stream.

  • I don’t really subscribe to Arch or Debian being better or worse than each other. I encounter issues just as frequently on both. Maybe it’s a little harder to do things in Debian because the repositories don’t update as often but the AUR is where a lot of important stuff is and that’s a pain to deal with too.

    Either way it’s better than using Windows.

  • What kinds of things are you having a hard time modding in Linux? I generally stay away from AAA games and especially AAA games that don’t have mod support. There’s gimp. There’s blender. There’s audacity. There’s an abundance of good text editors. Almost every file explorer is easier to use and more powerful than the one in Windows. Java development kit kind of sucks in Linux with that export path variable nonsense that never ever works correctly but other than that, I don’t think I could do half the modding in Windows that I do in Linux.

  • People have already made lots of good replies but here’s my summary:

    tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It allows multitasking in command line only environments. For example if you have to do a sudo apt upgrade but don’t want to leave your ssh client logged in until it finishes, you can run it in a tmux session so it will happen in the background even if you’re not logged in.

    To start a new session, type “tmux”

    To view running sessions, type “tmux list-sessions”

    To switch to a running session, type “tmux attach-session -c N” where N is the number of the session.

    To exit a tmux terminal and go back to the main terminal, do ctrl+b and then press d.