It would make more sense in the opposite order. And yes.
It would make more sense in the opposite order. And yes.
Yes, though it wasn’t a surprising result.
The AI is definitely going with the favorite.
I could probably remove this in my account settings somewhere right? But the point is that it’s a bad feature. It’s not reliably accurate. It makes stuff up.
You never really know, it’s plausible. But I doubt it. It doesn’t seem any more likely now than it did in 2016.
Ceasefire in Gaza for a minimum of 6 weeks (if I understood the news correctly) is huge. That conflict might be close to over if we’re lucky.
Wilhelm scream. It’s in everything. It’s memorable in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it’s in Soul Plane too.
I’ve watched far too many hours of sitcoms, because I’m recognizing a specific laugh that gets re-used over and over. It’s by far the worst on How I Met Your Mother (where I first noticed it). They’ll repeat the same laugh 2-3 times within the same episode. It’s a specific high-pitched laugh that almost sounds like the person is inhaling while laughing rather than exhaling. HIMYM doesn’t use a live audience so they re-use the same laughs for the entire run of the show.
Reminds me of when my ISP who was “no contract” had a cancellation fee. Like I have to pay money to stop being billed? Something about that feels very backwards.
As a depressed 16 year old boy I received a self help book from my mother. I was offended. Never opened the book. Like in hindsight I guess she thought I needed help and the book would somehow do that, but all I saw was that my mother thought something was wrong with me.
Lack of successful alternatives? It’s easy to find flaws with capitalism but every other system has its share of problems too.
The Drew Carrey Show just finally got a streaming release a couple months ago. On Plex. All 9 seasons now.
Prior to Trump it was mostly fringe candidates like Storm Thurmund (1948), George Wallace (1968), David Duke (1988, 1992), Pat Buchanan (1992, 1996).
In terms of major candidates, there are some questionable endorsements for candidates like Nixon and Reagan. But you have to go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson to find a president who was openly happy about receiving those endorsements.
Those work with the Sabre Pyramid.
Most businesses to chase the whale customers.