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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I don’t get this debate because I think people who like air fryers and people who don’t like air fryers are 2 different demographics? Air fryers are cheap, small, and fast. That fits a lot of people’s needs who are single, newly entering the work force, or just struggling to make a decent wage. A large, expensive convection oven doesn’t fit a lot of people’s needs. Isn’t it just okay to accept that these products are aimed at different sectors of the market?

    I’d argue that even though the principles convection oven and an air fryer are the same the physics of how an air fryer works are actually different from how a convection oven does, but I don’t feel like typing that out right now. So here’s a YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvHUZtKCqvo

  • The power companies here are privately owned, and America has a lot of laws dealing with what the government can and can not tell private companies what to do. Most of the laws deal with what the government cannot do. Basically, the company sells electricity at cost, then sends the government a letter that’s like, “Hey, we need $$$ for repairs, upgrades, and stock holders. Here’s all the upgrades we want.” And the government is like “Sure, this is America, gotta turn a profit,” and gives the utility companies whatever they ask for. Then the utility companies just give all the money to the stock holders, perform the bare minimum repairs to operate, and just lie to the government about what they did with the money. There is an especially egregious case in South Carolina where a utility claimed for years that they were going to build a nuclear plant to help meet energy demands in the area. Well after an audit, turns out the owner just pocketed all that money. That guy was punished, but see how bad it has to get before anything happens?

    This video does a much better job at explaining it than I ever could. It’s long, but they explain how utilities make a profit in the first 15 mins. https://youtu.be/2n_au5Hje_E?si=S9e8o7QQpFjueZta

  • I’m speaking from an American perspective, but what you’re describing is part of the problem. Power companies are legally not allowed to make a profit from selling electricity here. They make a profit from the government giving them money to expand their services (this model was developed following world war 2 to encourage post war growth).

    Again, under America’s current model, solar is not profitable, especially not for large corporations.