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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • and it’s the government model that is to blame?

    Yes, because it leaves itself so prone to authoritarian takeover. As I’ve said before, this is a feature of communism, not a bug. A single, one-party “transitional” government is intended. You might as well just put up a sign that says “Dictator Wanted.” This is why there isn’t a single instance of communism on a nation-state scale that hasn’t quickly devolved into an authoritarian state. It’s not hard to understand this. Your government model has to account for the reality that people are going to disagree on things and faction out. Your model has to be able to manage that process. Communism insists everyone adhere to the same ideology, and those that don’t just get “re-educated.” It’s a horrible ideology, a horrible government model; naïve utopian fantasy at best, cynical authoritarian scheme at worst.

  • If someone hates me because of something I have in common with literally every human on the planet it doesn’t feel nearly as personal as if they hate me because I’m different from them in ways that I can’t control.

    Misanthropes generally don’t hate individual people, and can even sometimes enjoy socializing with others. It’s not even all that accurate to say misanthropes hate humanity; they’re actually more profoundly disappointed in it. This is why they don’t engage in mass shootings or other forms of violence, and instead tend to just isolate themselves.