Weirdly the 3DS XL for me, I think.
Weirdly the 3DS XL for me, I think.
(Linus is, incidentally, not a billionaire; he has a net worth of about $150 million.)
No evidence this is anyone in the RustDesk team + shitty/possibly LLM-generated response leads me to believe this is a troll.
We all know that CIA prison escape segment was harder than any of the bosses, though.
OP, The Sun is one of the trashiest rags on the face of this Earth. Your best option regardless of their ad practices was always to stay well away from them.
If you care about having your taxpayer-funded weather accessible without going through a private, corporate middleman, you should never use AccuWeather.
Oh shit, hey Beard. I didn’t expect to see you here either. For that matter I didn’t think anyone else surrounding the project used Lemmy. Cool to know I’m not alone.
Oh, absolutely this. I think the YouTube channel GameHut is a great example of the lengths devs went to to get things working. In Ratchet & Clank 3, Insomniac borrowed memory from the PS2’s second controller port to use for other things during single-player (PS2 devs did so much crazy shit that within the PCSX2 project, we often joke about how they “huffed glue”). The channel Retro Game Mechanics explained and the book “Racing the Beam” have great explanations for the lengths Atari devs had to go to just to do anything interesting with the system. Even into the seventh generation of consoles, the Hedgehog Engine had precomputed light sources as textures to trick your brain.
Ah, yep. lmao
Technology has slowed down, but there’s also diminishing returns for what you can do with a game’s graphics etc.
You can think of sampling audio. If I have a bit depth of 1, and I upgrade that to 16, it’s going to sound a hell of a lot more like an improvement than if I were to upgrade from 48 to 64.
And if you haven’t used it in a while, we recently made a blog post giving a rundown of the changes leading up to our most recent major release.
This sounds like “I want developers’ lives to be a living hell if they ever decide to overhaul their UI.”
Congress needs to give the FDA the power to regulate supplements goddamn yesterday.
Yahoo! News is an aggregator like MSN (and has very few original articles), and thus the quality varies widely based on the source. Here it’s some outlet called TCD.
This image isn’t reCAPTCHA, but since it’s still relevant, here you go:
Your daily reminder that DDG also has an infinite scroll option under its settings. (Seriously, DDG’s Settings menu is so good.}
If we’re assuming the user is trying to run this through Win10 to get the Bluetooth working (which is the only real reason I know of to update the firmware like that), then xpadneo supports Bluetooth out the box with no issue. Moreover, the user said they were trying to modify the settings and gave no mention of any firmware update.
I hope you’re satisfied with the fruits of your eight minutes of patient waiting.
It’s a shame Firebird doesn’t seem to be on F-Droid. But Graph89 is really good for the older calculators!