Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • Honestly, this right here is the main reason I don’t believe any real-world bending would end any way other than Earth Kingdom dominance. Peaceful dominance, hopefully.

    You can’t wipe out their infrastructure as long as someone is alive who knows how it’s done.

    Oh, fire nation bulldozed your house because they felt like it? Well boom. Stomp stomp punch. New identical house made of stone.

    Bridge collapsed to cause chaos? Stomp stomp punch, it’s back.

    Don’t feel safe living out in the open where fire nation scouts could murderhobo you harder than my last D&D group? Stomp stomp punch, now you have a vast mansion underground in which you can simply… Not go above ground until you need to.

    Of course, underground living isn’t simple as “hole in ground, hide all day” but still… There is 0 reason the EK shouldn’t go full Vietnam War tactics.

  • The people who blabber incessantly about weed being a gateway drug are the exact REASON that I agree with them, but we VERY much disagree on the specifics.

    Think of it this way:

    Every adult in your life has told you that weed is JUST AS BAD as heroin and cocain and meth. You hear it repeated ad nauseum, ESPECIALLY if you were in DARE.

    Now one day someone you have known for a long time offers you some because “it’s not that bad, trust me you’ll be fine” and they go ahead and take a puff or twelve. Turns out it’s not that bad. They were fine after some initial uncoordinated attempts at doing something.

    So if weed is this interesting, maybe heroin isn’t that bad either?

    Yeah turns out heroin IS that bad, and lumping it in with weed is like tossing the kindergarten bully into a maxsec prison.

    So yeah, it’s only a “gAtEwAy dRuG” because you fucks lied for decades and made false equivalence of things and taught kids they can’t trust you.

  • Every time I hear about this game I go “oh yeah, that game exists” not because I think it won’t be good. I really want to play it.

    I intentionally don’t look into anything I am looking forward to. My thinking is “if I have no expectations I can’t be disappointed.” and with a few exceptions, it’s worked pretty well for me.

    So I don’t know anything about DBH beyong the genre and a few game design details (maybe a gameplay video of the tutorial mission) to make sure I want to play it. Everyone who talks about it says it’s got a great story, and it’s fun to play. Since I like the genre, I can’t see myself not enjoying it.

    Buuuuut I don’t have a Playstation and my laptop is from 2016. Nothing can play it.

    So patient I must be whether I like it or not in this case.

    Also as far as I am concerned, if I get one hour of enjoyment for every dollar I spent on a game, I consider it money well spent even if I never play again. The two strategies together with patiently waiting a few years to play, and I’ve never wanted a refund on a game. Even the ones that ended up becoming a grind in late game, because I didn’t spend much money and already got my enjoyment/pay ratio before then.

  • I pick up all the ones I see because I’m collecting the batteries out of them. After making sure they won’t spontaneously combust through damaged seals or corrosion, they get a piece of painters tape over all the metal, and placed in a fireproof battery charging bag.

    I intend to make little rc things out of these, or in some cases I’ve managed to replace the 2 AA batteries in electronics with a few vape batteries in parallel.

    With the right testing equipment and know-how (safety first when dealing with things that can burn your life down) You can do quite a bit with these.

    And holy shit the amount I find while just walking or biking around is insane, these things are an environmental disaster and I’ve tried to get people I know to at least switch to refillable tanks, but they’re “too expensive” (only up-front, long term they are many orders of magnitude cheaper) and “it’s too much work to clean/replace coils” (alcohol and cotton batting for both cleaning and coil filler work nicely) which just tells me they care more about their minor convenience than the entire goddamn planet.

    I don’t even fucking vape and I know these things!


    If you wanted to pierce YOUR OWN TIRE for some reason, if you place a nail under a tire, (assuming you considered roll angle) it would pierce a tire quite nicely.

    Rubber would seal pretty well to make it a slow leak, but cutting a channel into the side with an angle grinder or dremmel would help.

    For maximum air leakage, take a 1/4in or 3/8 in steel pipe, then cut it into 4 in bars, then cut those bars in half with a diagonal cut. Place sharp end into tire groove.

    Again, this is for educational purposes only if you wanted to get air out of your tire very quickly.