Why, because you say so?
This is just being obtuse and a bit of a cunt. You can’t expect not to have negative reprecusions as an affect of companies being allowed to just churn out as much AI generated shit as they can. Especially since you also say:
companies are already bound by lots of laws governing their behaviour and ultimately it’s their behaviour that is what’s important to control.
Please read what you’ve again but slowly this time. You’re saying you’re fine with all the other regulation, but it shouldn’t be done here cause of individual liberties when i’ve clearly stated free use can be specifically allowed for here…
Yes, because that means I can also use it without limit.
You’ve again stated your problem when i’ve given a more than sensible solution. Individual free use is fine, why would anyone want to stop you, individually or even with your friends, being creative? The problems comes when companies with huge resources, influence, and nefarious motives decide to use it. How about this time we get ahead of it instead of letting things get out of control then trying to do something about it?
Did you read the article? I will point out that we have/are working on quantum safe encryption algorithms so this is kind of unecessary doom and gloom. I actually work in this area and tbh the algorithms are ready to be implemented whenever companies want to. NIST QSC competition: https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography
In fact algorithms like AES are still quantum safe as long as key sizes are increased sufficiently