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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • For those unaware how Health Insurance works in the states.

    You can have health insurance all you want. Especially if this bill is recent, they will cover a large part of the cost, but most people are still on the hook for Usually between $1000-1500 of all healthcare before insurance REALLY kicks in. This is called the Deductible (and Out of Pocket) expense. You also pay a ‘Premium’, essentially a subscription cost that normally comes directly out of your paycheck.

    For single coverage, just yourself, it’s about $1200. For family coverage, where your insurance covers everyone in your house, It’s usually double that. So ~$2,500-3,000.

    So this person probably hasn’t had any bills yet this year. Once they pay about $1500 in costs, everything after that becomes (mostly) free. Depending on what you have, insurance will pay anywhere from only 80% - 100% of the cost from whatever the procedures and meds are.

    Then funny part is that some places in America the cost is so high, this might be a situation where their insurance DID kick in already and their insurance is still making them pay that much. Or it’s a case where you get a bill for that much but your insurance hasn’t paid it yet… so it looks like you’re supposed to… so you do… then two months later you get a check for that amount.

    It’s so. Damn. Silly. And I resent Republicans every day for it. That’s not even the Fascist MAGA Theocracy republicans. Just your stock standard ones lmfao.

  • It is… Any change is adding to something. Whether that be through subtraction or addition. I get where you’re coming from and where the to add people come from… It’s just a silly addendum that was added post hoc because of silly populism. ETA is already established as estimated time of arrival. There’s no reason to also try to rethink a common acronym. Beyond that, there’s also no reason to signify what you added, or where. You can sure just use ETA to add anything directly after while leaving your OG comment the same, but nobody will know what you edited anyway unless it’s an instance that records that stuff.

    I think it’s the same argument as debating whether nothing is something at the root.

    Even then, it’s a superfluous addition when you have to specify okay I’ve only edited anything after this ETA when the definition means you could’ve added anything anywhere.

    Edit in addition, edit after comment, any variation leads to the same issue. It’s just… So… Pointless.

    It even takes more keystrokes! Whether you use capslock or shift for Edit: or ETA: l. E: Is just so much better.