• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I don’t bother communicating. I just play silently and usually mute the chat if it is toxic. Even games like overwatch worked out ok playing without communicating.

    The only time I had a decent experience playing with strangers was when I found specific gaming subs or Discord communities (e.g. casual gaming, gaming dads, etc) and played in a Discord voice channel. This was actually a really good experience in games like Street fighter or Apex legends. I could do dumb shit in game and they’d be completely chill and say “it happens” and carry on to the next game. Haven’t done this for the last couple of years though.

  • I’m not religious at all. But in responding to your question OP: we don’t have to understand why people believe. Religion just isn’t for us, and that’s fine. Other people find it has value, and that’s fine too. The fact that religion has lasted this long with this many people is proof in itself that there’s some value people get out of it. We don’t have to get it to understand that.

    All the comments here that explain religion solely as dumb or irrational are just as closed minded as the people they’re criticising.

  • I haf a gaming laptop for over 2 years. Sold it this year to replace with a PC and I’m convinced I’m never going back to a laptop.

    Laptops run noisy and hot. The hardware is tuned down for poorer performance compared to PCs. Using one is not ergonomic at all. It’s a pain working around power management (I.e. forcing it to stay on to use as a server, etc), features like wake on LAN are hit or miss. They’re overpriced compared to similar PC parts. They’re hardly repairable or upgradeable at all.

    I’ve made a much faster PC for almost the same cost I sold a 3 year old laptop for. The laptop was always used with a monitor, KB, mouse anyway. If the portability is required then the Steam Deck makes for a much better portable gaming machine and an old secondhand workstation laptop will be dirt cheap and fast enough for all your office needs.

  • Don’t bother with the 24 rolling news updates. It is much better to watch a video news summary a few days later. A really really good YouTube channel called TLDR news (they have a number of subchannels) that I would highly recommend.

    The other thing is to use RSS…never news websites. RSS presents news chronologically. Websites curate to put absolute shit on their front-page so avoid that. If you use an RSS app like Pluma, then it lets you set a blacklist (like I’ve excluded news about Biden, Trump, Covid, vaccines, Israel, Ukraine, Superbowl, football, etc)… It really let’s you exclude what you don’t want to see and improve what shows up in your list.

  • This is something commonly misunderstood as:

    Logic = correct = good

    Emotion = irrational = bad

    In truth your emotions are trying to tell you something. You certainly shouldn’t be acting completely on emotion. But you do need to learn to interpret what your emotions are telling you and what that means, because there is critical information there that you would ignore at your peril.

  • I agree with the principle, but not in the same way.

    It feels good to portray another person as an “idiot” or obviously wrong. Feels superior and legitimate.

    The lesson for me has been: people are allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions, no matter how ill-informed I think they are. It is going to be just as difficult to force them to believe my opinion, as it would be for me to believe their position. So shouting “facts” and “logic” doesn’t work at all. If you can get over branding someone an idiot you might be able to listen to why they actually believe such misguided information, but this would take non-judgemental questioning.

    So I agree: stop arguing with people.

    You cannot make people change their minds in a single sitting. You should aim to be less closed minded than they are. Stop thinking of others as “idiots” to begin with.

    If you’re really interested in diving into this, here’s the first of a 3 part series talking about how to have difficult conversations with people who see the world differently, how to have better debates about contentious issues, and how to ethically and scientifically persuade one another about things that matter – in short, this is a three-part series about How Minds Change.


    (I’m not affiliated with the podcast or this guy’s books…I just listen to a lot of cognitive science podcasts)

  • A lovely story. Ive had a brilliant experience myself with my 4 year old neurodiverse son who took great comfort in playing Ori and the Blind Forest, and finished the game himself and found all the secret areas I couldn’t.

    Then at 5, he watched me play Super Hexagon and wanted to play that. He’s gotten to the hardest level and asks for my help, but he’s beyond my skill level.

    As far as the argument against the issue you mentionrd, the logical argument was complete in the first paragraph:

    the academic community has failed to produce any negative relationship between video games and real life.

  • It’s an amazing console, but the shortcomings you’ve mentioned are legit. When I got my Switch, I immediately ordered the Hori Split Pad. Then I threw the Joycons in a drawer and never looked at them again. A large capacity SD card is mandatory and is so cheap, I don’t consider that a big deal.

    Online subscription shit is just console bullshit that I won’t pay on principle.

    All the reasons you’ve mentioned have been sorted with a Steam Deck, and I haven’t ever picked up my Switch from the day my Deck arrived.