• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Here’s the thing.

    I’ve been watching TV occasionally - she watches junk TV on this huge thing she got, and, nahhh. I usually do streaming - and every now and then an advert that comes on is actually for a product I’ve never heard of. It’ll be something dumb like little Caesar’s crazy French toast or some shit, but, to the ad’s credit, I would never have known about it if I didn’t see the ad.

    But, 95% of ads are absolute junk. Payday loans, reverse mortgages, Dodge Rams; junk. I’d love to see the new products and Superbowl ads, and then nothing else.

  • This isn’t complete bunk. The new indicator of wealth is healthy teeth. Poor kids don’t get to go to the dentist regularly, so have more problems later on; rich kids get regular cleanings to prevent buildup, and have much healthier teeth.

    The trick was making us equate white-white teeth with healthy teeth, even though there’s a shade of ‘white’ that is just healthy, clean enamel with no plaque buildup but isn’t true white.

    I only retained this when I heard it as I was a poor kid and, wow, am I glad I have a good job as our dental care is still mercenary as fuck.

  • 3055 was good.

    1012 and ilk were also good, from the same era. I still have one of those running.

    My LJ4+ lasted 21 years, the first part in an office setting and the latter a retirement in my home (and about 12 house moves). For its 19th I got its RAM filled. Woo! But we decided “as a household” that we didn’t need a reliable energy pig printer for a few pages a month. It made the lights flicker and the UPSes report a brownout. But it was a good printer.

    Now we have an m404n and it’s everything today it needs to be.

  • My wife got the air pods pro 2 I think. Can’t tell one from the other. She preferred the Samsungs so she got those and gave these to me because I liked them

    And I do. It’s the only piece of apple tech I have.

    For me they fit REALLY well. And I want people to be happy like me so I’m thinking all of the usual things you’ve been asked or recommended before. Because I want you to like yours like I like mine.

    You know: try different tips, go watch a YouTube to confirm it’s fitted right, etc. All ye things you’ve done or thought of doing, try it again with an open mind. And then sell them off, but yeah.

    I hope, since this is probably a ways ago, that your current earbuds are working well. Phones seem to be incapable of a headphone jack, despite my startac-7800 fitting one in, so it’s got to be fucking radio earbuds all the way, so you gotta find some that fit and make you happy.

  • I built and maintained Open-source software.

    I worked for SCO during the time when the rabid halfwits were weaponized by IBM to vilify everything SCO did or didn’t do via Pamela-the-ex-IBM-employee’s ‘totally impartial’ website. SCO was, and remains, the best job and work environment ever.

    My software was surely used by nefarious types. But by that time, I was done with it: I code it, I build it, I distribute it, and then it belongs to the world. You can’t have it any other way, really.

    And, one day, find out what really happened with SCO/IBM.