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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • As a developer myself, I just find it funny as fuck that people just spout off about shit like this. clearly do not understand what they are talking about.

    Imagine the support nightmare alone if the dev team is dismissed on release. For example, Baldur’s gate just released 1000+ bugfix patch 20-some days after release, good luck doing that with a brand new team.

    Especially today with things like day1/week1 patches which have become the usual almost, cutting the dev team loose on release would just be wild from any informed perspective

  • The developers don’t deserve to be paid? Because that’s the crux of it, no sell no profit, no profit no workers. Bye bye studio and any future art because we all are trapped in this capitalist nightmare. Do their families not deserve to be supported for their work?

    I’m struggling to understand the motivation of your comment. You seem upset that a studio that worked for many years paying many developers project managers artists etc to create this game is selling the result of their hard work and investments? Where do you think they got the funds to build their latest game? Perhaps from the previous games, content, merch they have produced and sold?

    How exactly is a studio to function if they simply hand out their hard work for free? How exactly are they to hire quality people if they are unable to make a profit from their primary product, the games that the developers and artists pour their heart and souls into?

    I mean, shit, yeah all information, art, everything should be able to exist without tying it to finance but that’s not the world we live in and it’s not the world these developers work in.

    So… what’s your point??

  • So I use CBG/CBD/CBN to get thru life

    Mostly it’s for anxiety and stomach stuff but the inflammatory stuff is a great help as well.

    But specifically for pain, I am unfortunately one of those people who gets kidney stones naturally (my whole family does). I almost exclusively drink water with citrus but no true escape. Anyway, I have been working a stone thru my ureter for the last 6 months or so and let me tell it it can be excruciating. Many ER visits many opioids etc. but the docs will not give you any pain meds unless you go to the ER, and what they give you spans a week max if you’re lucky.

    In comes CBD and kratom, which have helped me greatly with managing the pain that comes with existing with a stone or two in a ureter smaller than said stone.

    With the entourage effect CBG will potentiate CBD and together they have been a huge factor for my pain. CBN has been huge for my sleep as well

    90 seconds of CBD tincture under the tongue and then another 90 of CBG and in minutes comes relief. It’s no opioid but it’s not nothing either. You mileage WILL vary but do not be discouraged!! Try different manufacturers, different cannibinoids (CBG/CBN/etc), different combinations of them, we each have a unique body which makes these things more complex than just swallow any kind of cbd