I think the implication here is to take the knife and stab the scissors person.
He / him
I think the implication here is to take the knife and stab the scissors person.
I find that unlikely. AI is a subject much like space tech. It may not always be the giant it is now but it’s a baseline research countries will be conducting. Even if only as a means to defend themselves.
I have thought about it for a while but the US is basically in a cold civil war, with a significant chance of it becoming hot. And it looks very similar to their previous one. Neither side seem to have a charismatic enough leader.
It’s easy to look over the pond and think it’s none of our problem. But if the US falls to chaos a lot of other countries will follow suit. We can already see this influence in the UK and I’d argue many other EU countries. Russia probably saw this weakness, bet on it worsening much quicker than it did, but lost that bet (so far).
With that said, addressing the US as a whole no longer makes sense. I’m sure plenty, plenty of Americans see what is happening.
It’s unfortunate that one of the wealthiest people on this planet has taken the anti-democratic side, but it’s not the first or the last time in history a powerful man, rich beyond measure has done so.
Awww they’re just too shy to list the “we need bottomless profits for our investors” fee.
Does that extend to employer review websites like GlassDoor?
Might be the app I’m using. I’ll see if I can drop them a message.
Btw the spoiler tag doesn’t seem to work.
I do remember that in the beginning I thought I was just some corp quasi-slave pleb that was being left for the dead (I went in quite blind). But once I found out that the universe was pretty much mine to explore (I think around the time I left the first world) I began to feel that way. It doesn’t help much that the universe itself is rather empty in terms of the characters and there’s essentially no depth to most npcs you meet in single player.
It’s the opposite for me. It makes me feel like that universe was created for me.
You probably dodged a bullet there. This sounds a lot like someone who is already in a relationship or at the very least has a similarly strong reason to move on. Did they invite you over or was it always about them coming over?
Only time really works for me. This will be extra tough on you because the first month of a relationship is peak honeymoon phase. We rarely see any negatives. The other person is essentially perfect in our eyes during that period. And that’s the memory and expectations you’re left with. In truth though, you have at best only met the tip of the iceberg. You’re not craving a person but rather the ideal your mind has built for them.
When you have that much money, does it matter?
Trump and Musk are great examples of being too rich to fall. Once you get to that point, you can fuck the poor as much as you want. The only way for you to fall is to fuck with other powerful people a la that pedo ring leader who was murdered by guards after getting caught.
Reddit was a lot more about getting in early than anything else.
That’s not to say other things didn’t matter but how often did we see newer replies get to the top?
It’s pretty much how it started for me. It can work extremely well if your job can tie it in. But at that point expect it to stop being a hobby.
Much rather dual boot or use a VM.
Are you saying we should put dibs on Sahara property?
Almost as many as there are stars in the Milky Way. A great ice breaker for a romantic dinner.
I would suggest getting to the root of the issue and disable it on your camera app.
Nah, it’s definitely a delayed gratification in my case. I don’t dislike working out per se, I just like doing other things more. Hence why I do a couple of physically demanding sports.
Whichever text editor is available, vscode, jetbrains for the language I’m using, firefox (jupyter notebooks), etc.
If your 2 year old has access to so much shit then you have bigger issues.
I don’t think hands are good at peeling potatoes. Maybe if you sharpen your nails?