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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Recommendation is part of the service. If they know I like something, then it’s reasonable they recommend me something that’s similar. It’s like going to a restaurant and asking for recommendations.

    Advertising is when things are promoted outside the service. It’s like going to a restaurant and they tell me about Raid Shadow Legends. I don’t want that.

    I think recommendation should be linked to usage data like watch history on that particular service. Location and other external information shouldn’t be used. I don’t want my recommendations depend on which friends I have or recent activity on a different service.

  • I don’t understand why a company like Sony wouldn’t provide you a way to play ps1-3 games on your ps5. I would even be ready to pay for it.

    They want you to buy new games. Not to play your old games.

    PS5 doesn’t support CD, so popping in PS1 games (and a few early PS2 games) won’t work even if PS5 had a proper PS1 emulator. It’s only a matter of time until DVD support will be dropped for future consoles as well.

    Re-releasing old games digitally is also difficult. More from a legal aspect. They need the permission of the holder of the IP. If they want to release Crash Bandicoot again, they need permission from Microsoft, who’s the current IP holder.

    It’s also extra problematic if the game uses licensed music, which became common in the PS1 era. Then they need permission from all the involved artists. The Tony Hawk games are problematic in this regard for example.

    New releases of Sonic 3 doesn’t include some of the original tracks. Possibly due to the potential involvement of Michael Jackson.

  • Moore’s law is not a given. It has been slowing down recently.

    Current games are made for current day’s design of graphics cards. They are very dependent on pixel shaders for example.

    Let’s be hypothetical. Imagine that future graphics cards go all in on ray tracing. Pixel shaders have become a thing of the past and no new hardware support it natively anymore.

    Preservers have two options: either try their best to simulate pixel shaders effects through ray tracing, or emulate it through software.

    Simulating through ray tracing won’t be accurate. Many pixel shader effects can’t be properly translated to ray tracing. Emulating through software can be hard. I don’t think many games even from 20 years ago can be fully run on modern CPUs.

  • I’m not against it, but it’s not a silver bullet for game preservation. All game engines are unique. Some are heavily optimized for their target hardware. Just because you have access to original source code doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be easy to preserve it for future hardware.

    I mean, there are games that got terrible ports despite dedicated teams working on it full time with access to original source code. It won’t be much easier for the fans taking this on as a hobby project during their evenings.

    Only the games with most dedicated fans will get preserved for future generations.

  • was 2097 the best one?

    In my opinion, yes. It’s the one that best captures the feeling. It’s has that gritty industrial look and the best music.

    The later ones are also good, but they’re a bit too “clean futuristic” to scratch my Wipeout itch.

    First one hasn’t aged as well. Mainly because if you bump into a wall ever so slightly, you lose most of your speed. 2097 and onward are better at keeping your momentum going. I also love those spark effects that come when bumping into walls in 2097.

  • It’s a bit hit and miss. Some parts are glorious. Other parts are just frustrating.

    There’s too many parts that are “Oh you failed this jump? Now you need to start all over again”. I’m thinking especially on that Yoshi mission in Ricco Harbor.

    Or that lilly pad bonus level on that island that you must bring Yoshi to, but Yoshi can’t swim so you need to ride those slow ass boats. Ensure you don’t miss any jump, because then you need to start all over again.

    The visuals are incredible for its time. The water is one of the most beautiful on that generation.

    It’s a game that could’ve benefited from being easier, or at least be more forgiving. I just want to soak in all the visuals.