• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2022


  • No need to be sarcastic, I’m not attacking anyone on a personal level.

    I know this thread is about songs, in fact I wanted to give credit to the people who actually had an active part in writing these songs (not just producing).
    I know people cannot always credit every member working behind a piece of music, like it’s a scientific paper, but if you’re a lover of this art sometimes is nice to stop and be curious about who these people are and how they work. If you don’t you’re just a consumer, which is fine but you’re missing a big part of the process.

  • New one.
    3 hours of soulless cash grab capitalyzing on the fact that we had been starved of cinema for 2 years and everyone was so hyped to come back no one wanted to admit the movie was a boring mess of everyone involved sucking his own dick instead of working together for a good product.
    I don’t want to see the twentieth 4 minutes desert panoramic: it’s a fucking desert, we get it can we move on? Or the stupidly intense stares between Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson in random situations: you two are stranded in the desert drinking your own sweat and piss, why are you looking at each other like you’re going to fuck?

  • On Sunday mornings I fix bicycles at the local community center for free, we just charge the price of materials.
    For me is like Zen meditation, it makes my mind focus on one simple task in these crazy times where our attention span is all over the place. And it’s good for our community since most of the people that come there are broke college students, families having a hard time and in general people who want to spend time together. Our group is always growing, I’m expecially proud of two kids, children of immigrants, who came to learn from us two years ago and now managed to save enough money to open their own bike repair shop.

  • I could use flatpak to get the newest version, but could I then get rid of the pre installed old version?

    Of course you can and if you decide to go down this route you should take a look at Flatseal that can help you with flatpak permissions and theming.

    debian’s default graphics look also prehistoric. Can I change that installing other styles?

    Debian installs Desktop Environments without any theming, just plain vanilla DEs and in most cases, expecially with XFCE, they are not that pretty out of the box. You can still theme it to look and work the way you prefer.

    with debian you are asked to choose the environment: xfce, mate… how troublesome is to change those after installation?

    sudo apt install new-desktop-environment, log out and log back in selecting a different desktop in the display manager: piece of cake

    This doesn’t mean that xubuntu has bloatware, but simply much more pre installed packages, right?

    Keep in mind that the 0.7gb debian image is the “netinstall”, which pulls software from repository instead of installing it directly. There are also debian “DVD” images that can be up to 4gb as well. And yes, Xubuntu has more bloatware but not as much as you might believe