• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I had the opposite experience. I have been using EndeavourOS on my desktop since November, zero issues. This weekend I’ve been distro hopping on my old MacBook pro and almost every distro had a problem. Some didn’t boot, other had wifi issues, trackpad issues, keyboard volume keys not working, high CPU usage… EndeavourOS was the only one I tried that just worked out of the box with no issues

  • Since when does EndeavourOS supply a GUI package manager? They don’t even have Discover installed out of the box.

    I don’t think it’s more confusing than Arch, if you know how to maintain Arch then you’re not gonna have any trouble at all.

    I agree that their eos popup is a bit meh but you can just press the “Don’t show me again” button and be done with it

    EndeavourOS is basically Arch with an easy installer and reasonable defaults. Don’t expect it to be more than it is!

  • Which one is a concern you share?

    My main concern is trust. How can I trust that the Manjaro team is competent when they can’t keep up with something as simple as certificates. You say they helped the AUR but they actually DDOS’d it several times due to problems in pamac the software store they developed. By using Manjaro, you are saying that you trust the Manjaro team more than the Arch team, since you are using their repositories. Their actions do not inspire trust on me.

    Arch actually has an unstable branch, that is “bleeding edge”. Most people run Arch on the stable branch, which is perfectly fine. You can run into problems, but so far I have never encountered any. Holding packages for “stability” is a neat idea but if the Firefox and Arch team deemed the new browser version to be stable, that’s good enough for me. I don’t see the Manjaro devs as having more competence to judge such things than the Arch community and the software devs.

    This is a pointless discussion anyway, I’m not changing my mind and neither are you but all least now you know where I’m coming from. Cheers.

  • It’s not nonsense, just concerns that you don’t seem to have. Which is fine, really. If Manjaro is perfect for you, keep using it. No judging here.

    I personally don’t like Manjaro holding out on package updates, Arch stable branch is more than good enough for me. Everything else can be easily installed if you want to. Therefore, there’s really no reason for me personally to recommend Manjaro.

  • I use Linux servers on my job and I did a ton of research. I felt confident in moving from Windows to Linux and for the most part it went very well. Most distributions provide a live environment and the installer is extremely easy.

    I had a ton of small little problems with Nvidia, Wayland, audio… I ended up fixing most of them, or at least apply some workarounds but it was a painful experience.

    Gaming works really really really well, which I found surprising.

  • As for the browser I’m going to assume it’s my bad. My MBP no longer has browser updates and I incorrectly assumed it to be the case for the 2014 model as well. My bad.

    Regarding the performance difference, it really is true. I thought my macbook was just filled with junk but even after (painfully) reinstalling everything it remained just as slow. Note that “everything” is basically a web development stack without a database, nothing too cluttered.

    I used to get the spinning wheel all the time, never had it on any of the distros I’ve since installed on my MBP. Don’t like Arch? No problem, there’s plently of choice out there. Whatever distro you want will probably work fine. It’s really fast but don’t take my word, try it yourself.

    “Works flawlessly” and “primary way of interacting” are limited to your use cases and experience. Not even allowing me to install xcode is not flawless, it’s really dumb. The trackpad works good enough and I wouldn’t trade, say, security updates for an improved version 🤷