Apps like Signal and iMessage allow any emoji. I don’t have a strong opinion about a limited set vs any defined in Unicode.
Apps like Signal and iMessage allow any emoji. I don’t have a strong opinion about a limited set vs any defined in Unicode.
I’m not sure this is possible since reactions tend to be in the context of the comment. For example, if a comment is expressing anger at an injustice, an angry emoji would probably be interpreted as “I am also angry” at the injustice and not disagreement or anger about the comment. If someone is expressing a personal loss, a sad emoji would me likely mean sympathy.
I had never thought about having wireless satellites on a Bluetooth speaker. Everything sounds amazing except for the price!
"There are 5 games written in Rust and 50 game engines.” — Interview with Senior Rust Developer in 2023
Plus an appointment is not required for those that have an iPhone with LiDAR which is probably nearly everyone who is considering purchasing this.
I’ve always been confused why Google keeps Waze and Maps completely separate. Google Maps interface with Waze crowd sourcing would be killer.
Have a look at Star Citizen (still in development).
In development for a decade with over $580 million in development costs and no release date in sight.
Thanks for volunteering and stepping up. Modding ain’t easy, but it’s necessary.
For CSAM in the US, you have to have actual knowledge to be responsible for reporting. If you view the image or it is reported, you must act. Its pretty much the same for DMCA.