Recommend pop os instead, solid, no canonical bs, widely compatible, and will soon replace GNOME with cosmic
My first two home instances disappeared
Toolbars, colour swatches, all looks pretty familiar to me
Yeah looks exactly the same as it has for a long time, I have been using it for years
The half life of americium 241 is 432.2 years, so no
All of this shit packed in is why it sucks. Do one thing and do it well. Try setting up a script to run on boot that doesn’t stop executing until you want to turn your pc off and watch all traces of sanity drain from your being. Now try it on freebsd. Much much easier
Has almost always been like that lol
This, only used windows for one game in a year
Microcode fixes the issue as of 3 days ago
Restic with deja dupe gui
What is the amd equivalent?
Ext4 for general pupose linux. Zfs for bsd network drives
I think what most people call overweight is obese, so clinically overweight might be ok?
If you are installing the latest mesa, you want to use it when playing?