Another option is rocket language. It seems to be a lot focused on developing conversational skills. It’s is paid but not subscription which I’m a fan of. You just buy the language you want. The first few lessons of a language are free if you want to try it. I’m test running it right now to start my switch away from Duolingo
It was disappointing to go through the saga of thinking I found a semi reliable podcast regarding health and current research, to finding some weak episodes, and finally arriving at the conclusion that his methodology is sloppy at best. The Dr Lustig episode was especially egregious. He let that guy make some of the most outlandish claims that I’ve heard. He made up statements about how FDA nutrition labels are required which was easily dismissible by a quick look at the FDA website. That was more or less the final nail in the coffin for me.
The biggest indicator to the scientific weakness of his podcast is the rate of release. It is not possible to do weekly releases on the complex topics he covers AND maintain the level of scientific scrutiny required to vet the referenced research or guest.