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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023


  • The issue is they want to run rootkits and malware instead of games.

    Not sorry. Siege, Fortnite, Valorant, all of these games require kernel level access to Windows to run, and the publishers refuse to support Windows.

    The only reason I’d ever play games like this in the past is due to peer pressure from friends to play these shitty games together with a bunch of sweats, cheaters and an overall generally toxic community. Especially Siege.

    Social peer pressure goes both ways. And I’ve basically peaced out on any of these games in my friends group. That was enough to end that game for game nights, and as those games fade from our memory. I make sure what little memory of it remains is the true tainted and awful form from which they originated.

    If you need a kernel level anti-cheat for your game, and nothing else will protect it. Your game is shit, your development cycle is shit, your company is shit, your community is shit, and why would I ever want to play a shit game with shit people from a shit company that forces devs to work under a shit development cycle?

  • When you shop at big box stores, the money leaves the community and goes to the wealthy 0.01%ers.

    But the evil of their methods is that typically once they move in there’s literally no other options left. Everything else either goes out of business or your wages drop so low you can’t afford anything else.

    These are a blight on American society.

    These types of stores didn’t used to be possible for various reasons. But removal of anti-trust regulations and a focus on car-centrism have enabled this hellish combo of monopolistic box stores that can pop up, kill the competition and leave a wasteland behind in which it is both financially and legally impossible for the local population to bring back local stores.

    Local stores tend to be in the older town areas where dense-buildings were once legal, and are grandfathered in. These get bought up and flattened and replaced with a mcdonalds or a gas station while the walmartification is in full swing. Then once walmart implodes there because no one can afford it anymore, walmart closes and the other chains close as well. No one can afford to replace walmart or the gas stations at scale for the obnoxious amount of land they use, but they also can’t replace them with more dense buildings because its literally illegal.

  • Granting fascists access to other fascists to become super fascist groups is the most dangerous part of social media.

    Given that most of the main social media platforms now are owned by capitalist fascist dickheads, its only going to get worse.

    If social networking like Lemmy or Mastodon were more mainstream, we could just name, shame and isolate these monsters. If they can’t interact with people outside of their group without getting instanbanned or insta-defederated, then they’ll either delve deeper and deeper into their nonsense, until their instances gets raided or they’ll venture out of their alt-right safe-haven and get hit with reality and rejoin society.

  • People are easily manipulated at scale ( No one is immune to Propaganda ). Fear marketing is more powerful to those who are anti-social, and car centric infrastructure perpetuates an anti-social society by sprawling people out and segregating them in transit through a car, and segregating them in their homes based on class.

    Everyone in the US needs a car, whether they want one or not.

    He definitely could’ve parked better, but the greater issue at hand is if driving was a requirement in the US but instead a luxury, The privilege of driving would be restricted to those who can pass a more rigorous driving test. But since in the US, public transportation has been designated as being for the poor and the desperate, their upkeep and social understanding of them has reflected this.

    No one wants to ride the bus or take a train in the US because “Ah it’s dangerous, everyone gets stabbed, shot and bludgeoned there!!”. The reason for this is deceptively simple, if you designate something as only being for a class of people that is known to fall into violence as a result of their material conditions, then that thing as well as everything else that they use will reflect that negative connotation.

    But similarly, should cars and trucks not have a similar reputation? As cars and trucks are in frequent accidents and so many complain about bad drivers. Road rage, and police chases. Why don’t cars have the same negative connotation as public transportation? Because you, me and most people who are not in the “poor and the desperate” category use them. If any negative issues come to light at all, the solution isn’t to avoid driving, the issue is to improve the driving experience, hence all these absurd massive tank trucks.

    The “reason” I alluded to that was deceptively simple earlier, is not that if something becomes associated with bad events and behavior it will become undesirable. the deceptively simple reason is In-Group/Out-Group bias.

    Because those with middle-class wealth all the way to the richest all use Cars, naturally this form of transportation sees the most improvement. But since public transportation is only used by the poor and the desperate, it sees neglect instead of improvement.