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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Victimized ✅

    Logical fallacy of ignorance ✅

    Ignores the atrocities and genocide committed in the name of “religion” ✅

    You are quite literally the pot calling the kettle black with your “small minded” comment. Nobody here was persecuting religion, but specific implementations that have committed mass murder, or engage in obnoxious displays (screaming at people at events (some events designed to support groups of people), going door to door, shaming vulnerable people trying to get medical procedures, etc etc)

    The day you widen your view to see others perspectives and history of abuse is the day you’ll actually be on the right “religious” track. Humanity is the religion.

  • Here’s the problem. This is the internet.

    These are locally run and often volunteer based instances.

    Anyone can spawn any amount of accounts and run their instance however they’d like, giving lots of trolls neat little nooks to hide in.

    You’re expecting to get real results? How did you account for multiple votes? How are you even sure that the data from the polls if unique, is accurate?

    Garbage in. Garbage out. People will use Lemmy if they want to. End of story. Idk why everyone is so obsessed with inflating user counts

  • I get what you mean, to live under a system which has requirements, means you must meet those requirements.

    However to be stuck in that mindset perpetually is a sickness. There reaches a point where you must say, this is enough. I am comfortable and those that I’m responsible for/care for are provided for when they need it most. We have to stop ourselves and reassess our condition to determine if we’re straying too far. Human psychology has plenty of vulns and desensitization/growing too comfortable is most definitely one of them.

    Greed is a pretty globally held sin in most religions and appears to be a fairly objective vice imo. I think too many people assign value to salary and materialistic things - but the reality is that you may be infinitely more valuable to a smaller company that pays you say 60k max than to a company that’d pay you 100k and could afford more but will just as soon lay you off because they think they can just buy more people. Value != only how much you make