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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023

  • Humans psyche is a meaning inference recursive engine, semiotically I mean, following Charles Sanders Peirce’s Theory of Signs, it generates meaning and thus needs a story to explain it, or simply to tell itself.

    The story doesn’t need to hold sound logic or any objectivity true to reality, it only needs to convey the meaning that it generated so that the mind can believe it more than questioning its validity.

    Long story short, humans really likes being told and believing stories, and often they are the ones telling the story right to themselves.

  • For a beginner, Linux Mint is perfect

    Mint for Mint then maybe the Debian Edition (LMDE) instead the the common one based on Ubuntu, which again is Debian just LTS. Also, if OP is tired of Microsoft enshittification imagine him finding out Ubuntu’s company Canonical decided that apt command should sometimes install snap packages instead of deb binaries, because “reasons” (NVM lucky us at Mint there are sane people). Or that it tried to put ads in their OS even before Windows even tried.

  • No one is worth your suffering, and if that sometimes does not seems enough then remember that no one who truely loves you deserves witnessing impotently you bursting your heart and mind out about somebody that instead does not even love you nearly enough.

    Try reconnecting with the people who loves you and whom with their relationship with you naturally help to make you feel more self confident, you’ll notice you’re still that fine and self confinent person and that you aren’t really missing anything that important, surely not important as you. Good luck and keep it up, you’re awesome!

  • A distraction for sure, doesn’t excuse for the inconvenience of course, but if you ask why is then is because:

    1. People are buying increasingly stupid ass huge cars
    2. The ability of the average driver to actually drive well is decreasing as much more automation/aiding systems are injected into the driving experience
    3. It follows that then people will often graze the cars parked just aside theirs, when manoeuvring into or out from a parking slot, especially on the corners of the bumpers
    4. Any owner will then try to avoid this by moving his car outside of the possible trajectory of the driver who parked/will park the car just aside theirs and who most likely can’t park a car, while yet choosing to buy a stupid huge ass car, and they do this by moving the farthest away from the rear parking line.

    Of course they could have bought a small car instead and avoid invading the walkway, a small car surely also would have paired well with the smallness of their brains and/or appendages, but the lack of taste is since long time well past endemicity levels.