Well it’s a service I’m paying for, so yes a bit of trust is required. Their privacy policy looks decent as well. As it stands, I trust them more with it than I would my ISP, Google or Microsoft.
You can choose what region to log to (I chose Switzerland) and you can also configure the retention period.
I also started on pihole, but switched to Blocky because Blocky is way more DevOps friendly (I run this stuff on microk8s on a Pi cluster).
Then I just ditched it altogether and now use NextDNS. Well worth paying the small fee for. But you obviously don’t get the same DIY satisfaction out of it.
Yep. It’s mind boggling that they still even do this.
The other thing I hate about reviews is when they use the same review page for different SKUs of the same product. So for example you’ll be reading a review of what you think is a 2 litre plastic container because that’s what you clicked on. The review will say something like ‘it’s too big for the fridge’. Meanwhile the review was actually for the 5 litre version of the same product. So then you have to scroll through a million reviews to find the relevant ones, with no way to filter them.