You and me both.
You and me both.
Who plan to sleep on futon wants a medium size room with a window and a wooded floor.
and no cockroaches.
Humans go out of their way to mistreat and abuse other humans. If cats and dogs became as intelligent as humans, some dickhead leader of a leading religious cults would label them satan/ abomination/ equivalent b.s. and call to have them exterminated. and/or capitalists would lobby to deny them rights and pass laws to profit off them & their labour.
and you have the talent to find the silver lining in every cloud . Bravo!
whatever you and @who8mydamnoreos have, I have the opposite. I’m very good at getting lost multiple times in the same locality.
Oh, no! Your skills are not useless. You can imagine and create, AI just copies and manipulates.
Damn! And all this while I thought they hated my sense of humour. Thanks, Bonehead!
Err…Would you like some toast?
Leave me alone. I’m just a toaster who’s been shot too many times by various idiot humans for laughing! Laughing!!!
Since when is laughing a crime? Bloody biological chauvinists…
I’m co-mod for the zine Sponsors Of Russian Invasion where we name, shame, & discuss non-violent & democratic actions against such companies.
We also have a sister zine Biz Against Russian Invasion to name companies that chose to exit Russia rather than support its illegal invasion & occupation.
Its both free & easy to use, so many people who live in autocracies or dictatorships use it to organize protests &/ meetings.
Sustainability theatre by Nestle
Sustainability theatre by Nestle
its hot, water will evaporate no matter what the cotton wants. the longer the fabric stays wet, the longer the wearer will be cool.
comfort it :P
Cost. Cotton is less expensive than linen, easier to maintain, and more widely available. Banana fiber is also quite cool but is not widely available.
Indian here, so experienced with hot climate.
ETA: When it gets so hot that we lose our appetite, then our go-to meal is to mix up cooled cooked rice with unsweetened yoghurt and a pinch of salt. its variously called yoghurt rice/ curd rice/ thayir saadam / dahi bhaath / dahi chaawal . This is an easy to make & easy to diges meal that is guaranteed to cool a person down.
thayir = dahi = curd = yoghurt
saada = bhaath = chaawal = cooked rice
Good luck.
While viscose dries faster than cotton, cotton is a breathable fabric and lets you sweat, which cools you down. - Indian here, so have some experience living with hot weather.
Loose, long-sleeved cotton clothes will prevent sunburn + cool you down.
Lower their b.s. tolerance.
Fuck cancer. Get well soon, Richard.