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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • The difference between soda is very noticeable to me. Some store-brand sodas taste almost flat.

    I can’t tell much a difference between wines of the same type. They taste slightly different, but I can’t say which taste “better.”

    Cheap liquor seems “harsher” than more expensive liquor; even with vodka, which doesn’t really have a taste. The difference in taste of say, the regular Jim Beam and a barrel-proof bourbon is pretty noticeable.

    I’ve noticed no difference in 100% fruit juice by brand. Well, except for orange juice.

    Tea quality is very noticeable to me, but I’m a heavy tea drinker.

    Even different water brands have different tastes. But, as long as it’s not my tap water (which is very hard and smells like a swimming pool), I don’t really care.

  • Traded-in vehicles don’t go to waste. Vehicle life cycles are actually pretty efficient. If a car runs, and is street legal, it will likely be bought and used by someone. Once a vehicle does not run, it will go to a salvage yard and used for parts. After a while, whatever metals are left will be recycled.

    Edit: Yes, I don’t think everyone should just ditch their ICE cars to “help the environment.” I don’t know if anyone is arguing for that. And, all new cars are bought by wealthier people because all new cars are way too expensive and have all kinds of “features” with dubious utility. I do think this is a problem. Until a couple years ago, I’ve never bought a new car. The only reason I bought a new car is because I couldn’t find a used car that was worth the price (used car market was pretty fucked up back then). Coincidentally, I ended buying an EV, lol (a Leaf).

  • Hmm, I guess your right. I guess what I was vaguely thinking of was that we don’t have as much (conscious) control over ourselves as people seem to believe. E.g. we often react to things before we consciousnessly perceive them, if we ever do perceive them. Was probably thinking about expirements I’ve heard of involving Benjamin Libet’s work, and my own experiences of questioning why I’ve made some decisions, where at the time I made the decision, I rationalized the reason for doing so in one way, but in retrospect, the reason for making such decisions were probably different than what I was consciously aware of at the time. I think a lot of consciousness is just post-hoc rationalization, while the subconscious does a lot of the work. I guess this still means that consciousness is not an illusion, but that there are different “levels” of consciousness, and the highest level is mostly retrospective. I guess this all isn’t really relevant to AI though, lol.

  • I think the human brain works kind of the opposite of that. Babies are born with a shitload of neural connections, then the connections decrease over a person’s lifetime. ANNs typically do something similar to that while training (many connection weights will be pushed toward zero, having little or no effect).

    But yeah, these LLMs are typically trained once, and frozen during use. “Online learning” is a type of training that continually learns, but current online methods typically lead to worse models (ANNs “forget” old things they’ve “learned” when learning new things).

  • Idk. Business leadership typically does take actions its employees don’t like if it helps the owners/shareholders. I often hear politicians/policymakers argue for things that will “hurt” (austerity, increasing unemployment to lower inflation, phasing out social security, war, opposing UBI, opposing universal healthcare, etc). I guess not all of those are extremely unpopular, but that’s mostly because people have been convinced they’re needed. The right, in particular, seems focused on things like sacrifice and punishment.

  • Young people will typically just vote how their parents tell them to. They typically just repeat what their parents say without critically thinking about things. They typically haven’t fully developed the mental capacity for things like empathy. They haven’t experienced what it’s like to work or struggle to survive.

  • AIXI is a (good, in my opinion) short mathematical definition of intelligence. Intelligence != consciousness or anything like that though.

    Also, how do you know we aren’t faking consciousness? I sometimes wonder if things like “free will” and consciousness are just illusions and tricks our brains play on us.

  • Large “activist” shareholders (usually fund managers, I believe) often step-in and make demands when the stock isn’t performing as they would like. Gabe could be CEO, but shareholders could threaten to dump stock to get the company to act in a certain way. I believe that was behind all the tech layoffs. My conspiracy-biased mind believes these shareholders sometimes push for things that aren’t exactly in the company’s best interest, but are in the investor’s best interest. E.g. if the fund management company is also heavily in commercial real-estate, they may try to get other companies they are invested in to institute return-to-office mandates. My guess is these big players do all kinds of shady shit (use their influence to control media narratives, politicians, etc).

  • I don’t really pirate much anymore, because I don’t consume much paid media anymore. Occasionally, if I really, really want to watch something on a platform that I don’t have a free subscription to (through a phone plan or isp), I will find a stream of it, but that is rare.

    I justify it by generally not being on favor of modern IP laws. On a less ideological basis, fuck’em for making their content inaccessible. And from the current strikes, it looks like most of their talent doesn’t get much of a cut anyways.

    I haven’t pirated a game in years, just because Steam is so convenient, and I can pay for more games than I have time to play. In the past, when I couldn’t afford all the games I had time to play, I would pirate them. I couldn’t afford them, so it was no “potential loss” for them anyways.

    For software other than games, there is usually an adequate Free Software alternative, so I just use those. I am a developer, so sometimes I make small contributions on software I use a lot, and have a good understanding of.

    Haven’t pirated music since big streaming services became available (first, Play Music, now Spotify). I do kinda feel bad that Spotify pays shit though. I would happily pay the artists directly if it was convenient.